Category Archives: NoSQL

Quick Notes on What is CAP Theorem?

This article briefly talks about what is CAP theorem and provides appropriate examples. I have come across many candidates appearing for architect interview who failed to answer the question such as some of the following: What is CAP theorem? RDBMS system such as Oracle achieves which of the following two: Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance NoSQL datastore such as HBase tends to achieve which of the following two: Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance The article below addresses some of the above questions. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following points are discussed later in this article: What is …

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Posted in NoSQL, Software Engg.

MongoDB Commands & Concepts – Rookies Quick Reference

The article presents some of the basic concepts and commands which could prove useful for rookies starting with MongoDB. Key Concepts Simply speaking, MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL database with document-oriented storage. If you are a SQL developer and having challenges understanding document-oriented database, check out this page on mapping between SQL to MongoDB mapping. For a detailed introduction on MondoDB, check out this introduction page. Following are some of the key terminologies: Database Collections Document Field Primary key (_id) index JSON-styled Documents: The most important concept is document-oriented storage, and the documents are JSON-styled. Thus, one would require to learn JSON very well to do well with MongoDB …

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Posted in NoSQL. Tagged with , .

Spring Data MongoDB Hello World with Spring MVC – Example

The article presents detailed steps on what is needed to get started with Spring Data MongoDB while you are working with Spring MVC web application. The article assumes that you have got Spring MVC application setup done. Step 1: Create Documents in MongoDB One could download MongoDB from page. Once downloaded, do the following to get started. Open a command prompt & goto bin folder found within MongoDB root folder. Before starting MongoDB server, create the data directory within root folder. Start the MongoDB server with command such as “mongod -dbpath <path-to-mongodb-root-folder>” Open another command prompt and goto bin folder. Execute “mongo” command and you are all set. Access …

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Posted in Java, NoSQL. Tagged with , , .