This article lists down a set of 20 interview questions related with ATG Commerce. The help documentation on ATG could be accessed from this page. Please feel free to comment/suggest. Also, sorry for the typos.
The questions presented in this article could be taken as online tests (with answers also given) on following pages.
Also, find following pages on vitalflux.com that consists of another set of interview questions on ATG:
Following is the list of questions:
- Components can be started or stopped using which of the following
- ATG Commerce merchandising is done using _________
- Repository Items could be created or edited using which of the following?
- Both of the above
- Product catalog items and inventory items are stored in the same repository
- True
- False
- Price lists could be managed using which of the following?
- Both of the above
- Promotions could be created using ________
- While viewing product catalog, CatalogMaintenanceService is not run in which of the following mode
- Development
- Production
- CIM could be used to do which of the following
- Creates datasources
- Create database tables and import initial data
- Creates and configures commerce servers
- Assembles and deploy EAR files to application server
- All of the above
- CIM does not configure which of the following
- Commerce servers
- Datasources
- Content administration topography
- The CatalogUpdateService updates the same catalog properties that are updated by the dynamic service CatalogCompletionService
- True
- False
- CatalogMaintenanceService is a container for which of the following services?
- CatalogCompletionService
- CatalogVerificationService
- Both of the above
- CatalogMaintenanceService is a container of which of the following services?
- AncestorGeneratorService
- CatalogVerificationService
- Both of the above
- Product catalog can be modified using which of the following?
- A Computer Program
- ACC & Program only
- ACC, BCC & A Program
- For each repository change made to a catalog folder, which of the following may get invoked?
- CatalogCompletionService
- CatalogUpdateService
- Catalog component relationships are dealt using which of the following service?
- CatalogUpdateService
- CatalogVerficationService
- CatalogCompletionService
- Catalog batch services can be run using _______
- Commerce admin page
- Both of the above
- Which of the following is Catalog maintenance batch form handler?
- CatalogUpdateFormHandler
- RunServiceFormHandler
- None of the above
- Both of the above
- Catalog maintenance dynamic services need to be started ______
- Manually
- It gets started automatically unless disabled
- User profile properties such as shipping and billing addresses and credit card information is managed using _________
- CommercePropertyManager
- CommerceProfileTools
- Multiple websites (Multi-site) can be run from single ATG commerce instance.
- True
- False
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I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me