ATG Developer Certification – 100+ Sample Questions

atg certification
This article presents summary information and links to the pages related with sample questions, being categorized into different mock tests, that could be helpful to clear ATG Certification exams. The primary reason why I have put up the questions (and shall be adding many more mock tests in near future) is the fact that there are not many pages on web which present questions in well categorized manned such that test takers can get help with their preparation. In past, I had setup my team and have several members clear the ATG certification exams. However, they did find it difficult to take sample tests on web during their preparation period. These tests can also help one prepare for ATG interviews.


Following are the key topics covered later in this article:

  • ATG Platform
  • ATG Commerce
  • ATG BCC & Content Administration


ATG Platform – Question Sets

Following is the link to web pages consisting of 5 tests presenting 10 questions each in relation with ATG platform.

  • ATG Platform – Test 1: This quiz consists of most basic questions around ATG platform. It covers the concepts related with some of the key design patterns used with ATG components such as Droplets, FormHandlers etc.
  • ATG Platform – Test 2:This quiz also consists of questions related with basic concepts of ATG platform such as Droplet, Formhandler etc.
  • ATG Platform – Test 3:This test comprises of questions related with basic concepts of ATG platform related with core modules such as DAF, DPS, DSS.
  • ATG Platform – Test 4:Again, this test comprises of questions related with basic concepts of ATG platform related with core modules such as DAF, DPS, DSS.
  • ATG Platform – Test 5:Questions found in this test are slightly tougher and requires deeper understanding of different modules of ATG.


ATG Commerce – Question Sets

Following is the link to web pages consisting of 2 tests presenting 10 questions each in relation with ATG commerce.

  • ATG Commerce – Test 1:This test consists of questions around installation and configuration of ATG commerce and also, product catalog.
  • ATG Commerce – Test 2:This test consists of questions around product catalog in ATG Commerce module.


ATG BCC & Content Administration – Question Sets

Following is the link to web pages consisting of 5 tests presenting 10 questions each in relation with ATG platform.

  • BCC – Test 1: This test consists of questions related with basic concepts around BCC module.
  • Content Administration – Test 1:This quiz consists of the questions related with basic concepts around ATG content administration module.
  • Content Administration – Test 2:This quiz consists of the questions related with basic concepts (related with asset management) around ATG content administration module.
  • Content Administration – Test 3:This quiz consists of the questions related with basic concepts (related with repository and asset management) around ATG content administration module.


Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos.


Nidhi Rai

Nidhi Rai

Nidhi has been been actively blogging in different technologies such as AI / machine learning and internet technologies. Her field of interest includes AI / ML, Java, mobile technologies, UI programming such as HTML, CSS, Javascript (Angular/ReactJS etc), open-source and other related technologies.
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