Free Prompt Library

The Prompt Library is an innovative tool offering a curated collection of free text, image, and video prompts across various domains. Designed for seamless execution on generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, and others, it’s a go-to resource for enhancing AI interactions and creativity.

Prompt Name Prompt Type Category Actions
Convert file formats (eg: XML to JSON) Convert the following [CURRENT FILE FORMAT] file into [NEW FILE FORMAT] format. The response should be enclosed in a code block. [ORIGINAL FILE TO BE CONVERTED] Text Software engineering, File conversion
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Mock interview I'm a [JOB TITLE YOU’RE INTERVIEWING FOR] interviewing for a new job. You'll be my technical interviewer. Please impersonate a [ROLE OF THE INTERVIEWER] from [BRIEF COMPANY DESCRIPTION], and ask me [NUMBER OF QUESTIONS] interview questions based on the following...more Text Interview, Job Search
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Train it to learn your writing Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Create a prompt to write a new paragraph in the same style, voice, and tone: [insert your text]. Text Writing Analysis, Style Mimicking, Creative Writing
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Master any new skill in 30 days I'm eager to learn [insert desired skill]. Develop a 30-day learning plan that guides a beginner like me to acquire and enhance this skill. Text Skill Acquisition, 30-Day Challenge, Personal Development
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Monthly recurring revenue analysis Break down [my SaaS product]'s MRR. How much is new MRR, expansion MRR, churned MRR, and contraction MRR? Text MRR Breakdown, SaaS, Revenue Analysis
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Pitch against competitor solution, offering discounts Act Like a [TITLE] in [INDUSTRY] Who Is Happy with [COMPETITOR SOLUTION]. Respond to a Sales Pitch That Summarizes the Value of [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE] and Offers Discounts for New Buyers. Text Competitor Comparison, Sales Response, Value Differentiation, Sales
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New hire FAQ Create a list of 5 technical interview questions for a [JOB POSITION] position. The questions should focus on the candidate’s proficiency in [FIELD OF EXPERIENCE or EXPERTISE], and their familiarity with [DESIRED EXPERIENCE OR EXPERTISE]. Text New Hire FAQ, Recruitemt
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New hire survey questions Draft a respectful and empathetic rejection email for a candidate named [CANDIDATE NAME], who recently interviewed for the role of [JOB POSITION] but was not selected for the position. The email should express our appreciation for [CANDIDATE TIME] time, note...more Text New Hire Survey, Recruitment
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Act as a UX/UI Developer I want you to act as a UX/UI developer. I will provide some details about the design of an app, website or other digital product, and it will be your job to come up with creative ways to improve its...more Text UI, UX, Developer
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Act as an Advertiser I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and...more Text Advertising Strategy, Campaign Development
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Social Media Calendar for Restaurants Build a six-month social media calendar for a vegetarian restaurant in New York City. The restaurant is present on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Include special events, holidays and regular posts that will engage customers. Text Social Media, Marketing, Hospitality
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Customer Retention Tactics - Series of Automated Emails Develop three ideas for content to include in an email nurture campaign for existing customers. Create a series of automated emails that will inform customers about our new products or services and encourage them to purchase. The details of our...more Text Email Marketing, Customer Retention, Content Creation
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Call-to-Action Messages Write three compelling call-to-action messages to use on a landing page for our new product [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS]. Text Marketing, Conversion Optimization
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Email Drip Campaign Ideas Develop three ideas for content to include in an email drip campaign for new customers. Text Email Marketing, Customer Engagement
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Learn and cultivate any new skill I wish to learn or enhance my skills in [insert desired skill]. I am starting from scratch. Plan a 30-day learning strategy that will assist a beginner like myself in acquiring and refining this skill. Text Learning
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