Free Prompt Library

The Prompt Library is an innovative tool offering a curated collection of free text, image, and video prompts across various domains. Designed for seamless execution on generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, and others, it’s a go-to resource for enhancing AI interactions and creativity.

Prompt Name Prompt Type Category Actions
Programming Language Error Analysis Act as a [PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE] programmer. Here is a piece of [PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE] code representing [PROBLEM STATEMENT][INSERT CODE SNIPPET] I am getting the following error [INSERT ERROR]. What is the reason for the bug? Text Programming, Debugging, Error Analysis
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Code Optimization Request Act as a code optimizer in [PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE]. [DESCRIBE PROBLEM WITH THE CODE]. Can you make the code [CLEANER/RUN FASTER/MORE READABLE]? [INSERT CODE] Text Code Optimization, Performance, Readability
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