Free Prompt Library

The Prompt Library is an innovative tool offering a curated collection of free text, image, and video prompts across various domains. Designed for seamless execution on generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, and others, it’s a go-to resource for enhancing AI interactions and creativity.

Prompt Name Prompt Type Category Actions
Optimize pricing strategy Guide me through the process of determining an optimal pricing strategy for my [product or service] using the Value-Based Pricing approach. Text Pricing Strategy, Value-Based Pricing, Marketing
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Lifetime value to CAC ratio Analyze the LTV:CAC ratio for [my SaaS product]. How can we enhance customer value or reduce acquisition costs to optimize this ratio? Text LTV CAC Ratio, Customer Value, Business Metrics
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Apologize to a Client or Customer As a [JOB TITLE] at [COMPANY NAME], address a customer frustrated about [REASON FOR THEIR FRUSTRATION]. Write a 100-word apology email offering [A DISCOUNT, FREE DELIVERY, GIFT CARD, ETC]. Text Customer Service, Apology Email, Relationship Management
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Submit an Invoice or Payment Reminder Write an email to [CLIENT’S NAME], attaching their invoice for [YOUR SERVICE] for the total amount of [COST OF SERVICES] and kindly reminding them the due date for payment is [ENTER DATE]. Text Financial Communication, Invoice Submission, Payment Reminder
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Follow Up on a Lead or Client I’m the [WORK POSITION] from [COMPANY] specializing in [PRODUCT OR SERVICE]. Write a persuasive follow-up email to [NAME] from [COMPANY NAME] who expressed interest in our services during [EVENT WHERE YOU MET]. Highlight the benefits we offer, such as [LIST BENEFITS]. Keep it under 150 words. Text Lead Follow-Up, Client Engagement, Sales Email
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Summarize top customer critiques for product improvement Summarize the Top Three Critiques in Customer Reviews for [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE]. Text Customer Feedback, Product Improvement, Marketing Insights, Sales
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Create guide with stats and benefits Write a 1,000-Word Guide on [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE] Including Three Statistics (with Source) with 10 Ways It/They Will Help [A SPECIFIC ROLE OR BUYER]. Text Educational Content, Product Benefits, Statistically Supported Information, Sales
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Pitch against competitor solution, offering discounts Act Like a [TITLE] in [INDUSTRY] Who Is Happy with [COMPETITOR SOLUTION]. Respond to a Sales Pitch That Summarizes the Value of [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE] and Offers Discounts for New Buyers. Text Competitor Comparison, Sales Response, Value Differentiation, Sales
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Develop compelling video pitch for prospects Write a Three-Minute Video Script for [TITLE] at [PROSPECT COMPANY] Summarizing the Benefits of [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE]. End the Video Script by Reminding Them of an Upcoming Meeting on [DATE AND TIME]. Text Video Presentation, Sales Pitch, Meeting Reminder, Sales
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Create concise cold call script emphasizing benefits Write a 30-Second Cold Call Sales Script, Highlighting Three Benefits of [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE] for [PROSPECT/PROSPECT’S COMPANY]. Text Cold Calling, Sales Pitch, Benefit Highlight, Sales
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Engage on social media, highlighting product value Write a Friendly and Engaging [SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM] Comment in Response to a Message That Says [COPY OF RECENT SOCIAL MEDIA POST], Subtly Introducing [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE] and Offering a Unique Value Proposition. Text Social Media Engagement, Brand Awareness, Value Proposition, Sales
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Craft LinkedIn message addressing industry-specific challenges Write a 50-Word LinkedIn Message Explaining How [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE] Can Address the Challenges of [A SPECIFIC ROLE OR BUYER] in [INDUSTRY]. Text LinkedIn Outreach, Personalized Messaging, Problem Solving, Sales
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Roleplay objection handling for hesitant prospects Act Like a [TITLE] in [INDUSTRY] Who Is Hesitant About the Cost of [YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE]. Roleplay a Conversation Discussing the Value and Benefits the Product/Service Offers. Text Objection Handling, Pricing Discussion, Value Proposition, Sales
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Outline presentation: mission, audience, and benefits Create a Presentation Outline That Includes [YOUR COMPANY’S MISSION STATEMENT], [YOUR COMPANY’S TARGET CUSTOMER], and [THE BENEFITS OF YOUR PRODUCT(S) OR SERVICE(S)]. Text Presentation Planning, Mission Statement, Target Audience, Sales
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Analyze factors shaping customer choices in industries Describe the Key Factors That Influence Customer Purchasing Decisions for [PRODUCT OR SERVICE TYPE] in [INDUSTRY]. Text Market Research, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategies, Sales
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