Ajitesh Kumar

Learn R – 3 Commands to Generate Random Numbers

This article represents 3 different commands with code examples which could be used to generate random numbers in R programming…

10 years ago

Learn R – Extract Data Frame with One Column

This article represents code sample that could be used to create/extract data frame with one column from existing data frame.…

10 years ago

Learn R – How to Create Histogram using GGPlot

This article represents techniques (commands samples) which could be used to create histogram using ggplot2 package in R programming. Please…

10 years ago

Learn R – How to Create Data Frames using Existing Data Frame

This article represents commands that could be used to create data frames using existing data frame. Please feel free to…

10 years ago

Learn R – 5 Techniques to Create Empty Data Frames with Column Names

This article represents techniques on how one could create an empty data frame with column names. Please feel free to…

10 years ago

Learn R – How to Get Data Frames Columns as Vectors

This article represents different ways in which one could get a data frame column as a vector. Please feel free…

10 years ago

Dummies Notes – How SAML-based SSO Authentication Works?

This article represents dummies notes on how could one go for SSO implementation using SAML. Please feel free to comment/suggest…

10 years ago

Top 8 Data Science Training Institutes in India

This article lists down top 8 data science/analytics training institutes from India. Some of them including INSOFE just provide classroom…

10 years ago

Top 5 Usecases of Solr to Power Your Web & Mobile Search

This article represents top 5 usecases for using Solr to power your web and mobile search. Note that in case of mobile search requirements,…

10 years ago

Dummies Notes – What is B-Tree and Why Use Them?

This article represents quick notes on what is B-Tree Data structure and why use them. Please feel free to comment/suggest…

10 years ago

Key Training Topics for Hadoop Developer

This article represents key topics that one would want to learn in order to become a Hadoop Developer. One may…

10 years ago

Dummies Notes on How Distributed Computing Works using Hadoop

This article intends to present dummies notes on how distributed computing works using Hadoop. As Hadoop is inspired by Google…

10 years ago

60 Most Commonly Used R Packages in R Programming Language

This article represents a comprehensive list of 60 most commonly used R packages which helps to achieve some of the…

10 years ago

API Tips – How to Write API Documentation

This article represents tips on how to write documentation for APIs which are going to be published to developers, both…

10 years ago

Quick Notes on What is CAP Theorem?

This article briefly talks about what is CAP theorem and provides appropriate examples. I have come across many candidates appearing…

10 years ago

Data Science – Who could become a Data Scientist?

This article represents information related different classes of IT & Non-IT professionals who could take on different data science free…

10 years ago