
Cheat sheet – 1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins & Details

This post lists down some of the following information related to different cryptocurrency coins/tokens. This could be used as a quick reference/cheat sheet to get quick information about any specific cryptocurrency coin.

  • Token name, Ticker Symbol used in cryptocurrency exchanges, Company’s Website
  • Explorer where details in relation to coins, tokens can be found
  • Source code (Github)
  • Twitter handle

This post lists down 300 tokens. The remaining 1200 tokens are split into another 3 pages such as below:

List of 300 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins

S.No Token Name Explorer Source Code Twitter
1 Primalbase Token (PBT) Explorer 1 @primalbasehq
2 CHIPS (CHIPS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
3 EuropeCoin (ERC) Explorer 1 GitHub @EuropecoinEUORG
4 ION (ION) Explorer 1 GitHub @ionomics
5 Opus (OPT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @opusfoundation
6 Bitcoin Lightning (BLT) Explorer 1 GitHub @bitcoinLT
7 EGO (EGO) Explorer 1
8 Kcash (KCASH) Explorer 1 @Kcashofficial
9 UnbreakableCoin (UNB) Explorer 1 @Unbreakablcoin
10 Triangles (TRI) Explorer 1 GitHub
11 Paragon (PRG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @paragoncoin
12 First Bitcoin Capital (BITCF) Explorer 1
13 Minereum (MNE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @minereumtoken
14 AdEx (ADX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @AdEx_Network
15 KashhCoin (KASHH) GitHub
16 ZenCash (ZEN) Explorer 1 GitHub @ZenCashOfficial
17 MinexCoin (MNX) Explorer 1 GitHub @minexcoin
18 StrongHands (SHND) Explorer 1 GitHub @SHNDcoin
19 B3Coin (KB3) Explorer 1 GitHub @B3Coins
20 VapersCoin (VPRC) Explorer 1 GitHub
21 Smart Investment Fund Token (SIFT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @SmartIFT
22 EquiTrader (EQT) Explorer 1 GitHub @Equi_Trader
23 Bitair (BTCA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @bitaircoin
24 Sakuracoin (SKR) Explorer 1 @SKRcoin
25 Achain (ACT) Explorer 1 GitHub @achainofficial
26 Nitro (NOX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @nitrotoken
27 Aion (AION) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Aion_Network
28 Triggers (TRIG) Explorer 1 @blocksafe
29 Version (V) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @VersionCrypto
30 Leverj (LEV) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Leverj_io
31 Primulon (PRIMU) GitHub @Primuloncoin
32 Dragonchain (DRGN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @dragonchaingang
33 Linx (LINX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @linXcoin
34 GUESS (GUESS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @peerguess
35 PopularCoin (POP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @PopularCoin
36 Natcoin (NTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @infonatcoin
37 Red Pulse (RPX) Explorer 1 @red_pulse_china
38 WavesGo (WGO) Explorer 1 @gowavesgo
39 Wink (WINK) GitHub @WinkcoinWink
40 LinkedCoin (LKC) Explorer 1
41 ZetaMicron (ZMC) Explorer 1
42 FinCoin (FNC) Explorer 1 GitHub
43 DeepBrain Chain (DBC) Explorer 1 @DeepBrainChain
44 Dentacoin (DCN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @dentacoin
45 Stox (STX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @stx_coin
46 EncryptoTel [WAVES] (ETT) Explorer 1 @encryptotel
47 Trade Token (TIO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @tradetoken
48 Quatloo (QTL) Explorer 1 GitHub @quatloocoin
49 (ONG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @OneName_Global
50 Moneta (MONETA) Explorer 1 GitHub
51 VeriumReserve (VRM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @VeriumReserve
52 Tattoocoin (Limited Edition) (TLE) Explorer 1
53 Zcash (ZEC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @zcashco
54 Loopring (LRC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @loopringorg
55 Regalcoin (REC) Explorer 1 @regalcoinx
56 NevaCoin (NEVA) Explorer 1 @nevacoin
57 ETHGAS (EGAS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @eth_gas
58 PetroDollar (XPD)
59 Voise (VOISE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @voisecom
60 QASH (QASH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @quoine_SG
61 Rupaya (RUPX) Explorer 1 GitHub @rupayacoin
62 Enjin Coin (ENJ) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @enjin
63 Internet of People (IOP) Explorer 1 GitHub @IoP_community
64 OmiseGO (OMG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @omise_go
65 Neblio (NEBL) Explorer 1 GitHub @NeblioTeam
66 FLiK (FLIK) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @TheFlikIO
67 Beatcoin (XBTS) Explorer 1 GitHub @beats_coin
68 ChatCoin (CHAT)
69 Selfiecoin (SLFI) Explorer 1 GitHub @selfie_coin
70 BitDegree (BDG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @bitdegree_org
71 DigitalNote (XDN) Explorer 1 GitHub @XDNCommunity
72 Solaris (XLR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @SolarisCoin
73 BlackCoin (BLK) Explorer 1 @CoinBlack
74 BowsCoin (BSC) Explorer 1 GitHub
75 GoldBlocks (GB) Explorer 1 GitHub @goldblockscoin
76 VIP Tokens (VIP) Explorer 1 GitHub @VipTokens
77 SALT (SALT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @SaltLending
78 BTCtalkcoin (TALK) Explorer 1 GitHub
79 EggCoin (EGG) GitHub
80 CannaCoin (CCN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @cannacoins
81 FutCoin (FUTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @futcoin__
82 NewYorkCoin (NYC) Explorer 1 GitHub @newyorkcoinnyc
83 Sling (SLING) Explorer 1
84 Internxt (INXT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @internxt_io
85 Swing (SWING) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
86 OKCash (OK) Explorer 1 GitHub @OKCashCrypto
87 SproutsExtreme (SPEX) Explorer 1
88 SIGMAcoin (SIGMA)
89 Rcoin (RCN) Explorer 1
90 Wi Coin (WIC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @WiC_Crypto
91 SocialCoin (SOCC) Explorer 1 GitHub @SocialCoinNetwk
92 bitCNY (BITCNY) Explorer 1
93 Huncoin (HNC) Explorer 1 GitHub @HunCoin
94 President Trump (PRES) Explorer 1 @Pres_Coin
95 Bitcoin Fast (BCF) Explorer 1 GitHub
96 Zurcoin (ZUR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
97 AquariusCoin (ARCO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @ArcCoin
98 Aces (ACES) GitHub @CoinAces
99 HealthyWormCoin (WORM) Explorer 1 @HealthyWormCoin
100 InflationCoin (IFLT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @inflationcoin
101 Ace (ACE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @TokenStars
102 RefToken (REF) @reftoken
103 GlassCoin (GLS) Explorer 1 GitHub @Glasscoindev
104 Internet of Things (XOT) Explorer 1 @iot_coin
105 Gnosis (GNO) Explorer 1 @gnosisPM
106 LBRY Credits (LBC) Explorer 1 GitHub @lbryio
107 LiteCoin Gold (LTG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @litecoingold
108 FlypMe (FYP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @flyp_me
109 IncaKoin (NKA) Explorer 1 GitHub @Incakoin1
110 Hexx (HXX) Explorer 1 GitHub
111 Bean Cash (BITB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @BitBeanCoin
112 SagaCoin (SAGA) Explorer 1 GitHub @Saga_coin
113 Aeternity (AE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @aetrnty
114 Safe Exchange Coin (SAFEX) Explorer 1 @safe_exchange
115 Myriad (XMY) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @myriadcoin
116 MojoCoin (MOJO) Explorer 1 GitHub @Mojodevs
117 InPay (INPAY) Explorer 1 @InPay_Team
118 LAToken (LA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @latokens
119 TheGCCcoin (GCC) Explorer 1 GitHub @TheGCCoin
120 Wowcoin (WOW)
121 Melon (MLN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @melonport
122 AgrolifeCoin (AGLC) Explorer 1 GitHub
123 ChainLink (LINK) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @smart_contract
124 Jiyo (JIYO) Explorer 1
125 Octanox (OTX) Explorer 1 @OctanoxPlatform
126 WaBi (WABI) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @wabiico
127 Lisk (LSK) Explorer 1 GitHub @LiskHQ
128 Rustbits (RUSTBITS) Explorer 1 @spacepirate_io
129 BumbaCoin (BUMBA) Explorer 1 GitHub @bumbacoin
130 Rivetz (RVT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @RivetzCorp
131 Xonecoin (XOC) GitHub @XOC_onecoin
132 bitEUR (BITEUR) Explorer 1
133 CybCSec (XCS) Explorer 1 @CybCsec
134 Hyper TV (HYTV) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @HYPERTVTOKEN
135 Ethbits (ETBS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ethbits
136 Farad (FRD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @faradcryptoken
137 MyWish (WISH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @mywishplatform
138 2GIVE (2GIVE) Explorer 1 @2GiveCoin
139 aelf (ELF) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @aelfblockchain
140 LetItRide (LIR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @LetItRide_Dice
141 SnakeEyes (SNAKE) Explorer 1
142 Minex (MINEX) Explorer 1 @MINEX_team
143 ATLANT (ATL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @atlantio
144 SHIELD (XSH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @SHIELDCurrency
145 SunContract (SNC) Explorer 1 GitHub @sun_contract
146 Golos (GOLOS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @goloschain
147 Elcoin (EL) Explorer 1 @7elephantru
148 RaiBlocks (XRB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @raiblocks
149 Credence Coin (CRDNC) Explorer 1 GitHub @credencecoin
150 FAPcoin (FAP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @FAPcoin_Crypto
151 Kayicoin (KAYI) Explorer 1 @Kayicoin
152 Newbium (NEWB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @newbiumcoin
153 Emerald Crypto (EMD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @_emerald_emd_
154 Dutch Coin (DUTCH) @dutch_coin
155 TransferCoin (TX) Explorer 1 GitHub @TXproject_io
156 WeTrust (TRST) Explorer 1 GitHub @wetrustplatform
157 DigiCube (CUBE) Explorer 1 @PurePoS
158 Worldcore (WRC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @worldcoresocial
159 WandX (WAND) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @WandXDapp
160 Zeitcoin (ZEIT) Explorer 1 GitHub @Zeitcoin
161 Altcoin (ALT) Explorer 1 @altcoinmrktcap
162 Abncoin (ABN) Explorer 1
163 Primas (PST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @PrimasOfficial
164 T-coin (TCOIN)
165 Basic Attention Token (BAT) Explorer 1 @attentiontoken
166 Virtacoinplus (XVP) Explorer 1 GitHub @VirtacoinPlus
167 MiloCoin (MILO) Explorer 1 GitHub @GetMiloCoin
168 Authorship (ATS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @authorship_com
169 SOILcoin (SOIL) Explorer 1 GitHub @SOILcoin
170 Santiment Network Token (SAN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @santimentfeed
171 Voxels (VOX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Voxelus
172 Phantomx (PNX) Explorer 1 GitHub @PhantomX_Coin
173 Zilbercoin (ZBC) Explorer 1 GitHub @zilbercoin_zbc
174 Gifto (GTO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @GIFTO_io
175 FireFlyCoin (FFC) Explorer 1
176 Boolberry (BBR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @boolberryteam
177 Cryptonite (XCN) Explorer 1 GitHub @CryptoniteCoin
178 BLOCKv (VEE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @blockv_io
179 PonziCoin (PONZI) Explorer 1
180 Energo (TSL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @EnergoOfficial
181 Linda (LINDA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @lindaproject
182 Magnet (MAG) Explorer 1 GitHub @magnetwork_io
183 HunterCoin (HUC) Explorer 1 GitHub @chimaera_tech
184 Bolenum (BLN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @BolenumPlatform
185 NamoCoin (NAMO) Explorer 1 GitHub @NamoCoin
186 Startcoin (START) Explorer 1 GitHub @start_coin
187 Breakout Stake (BRX) Explorer 1 GitHub @BreakoutCoin
188 CoinDash (CDT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @coindashio
189 StrikeBitClub (SBC) Explorer 1 GitHub @StrikeBitClubs
190 Janus (JNS) Explorer 1 @Janus_Token
191 Royalties (XRY) Explorer 1 GitHub @RoyaltiesGroup
192 Pirate Blocks (SKULL) Explorer 1
193 Ethos (ETHOS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ethos_io
194 BridgeCoin (BCO) Explorer 1 @CryptoBridge
195 CryptoPing (PING) Explorer 1 @cryptoping
196 Crypterium (CRPT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @crypterium
197 Cindicator (CND) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Crowd_indicator
198 TokenCard (TKN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @tokencard_io
199 Bismuth (BIS) Explorer 1 GitHub @bismuthdev
200 HoboNickels (HBN) Explorer 1 GitHub @hobonickels_hbn
201 AllSafe (ASAFE2) Explorer 1 GitHub @allsafetoken
202 Profile Utility Token (PUT) @HelloRobin8
203 Particl (PART) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @ParticlProject
204 Aidos Kuneen (ADK) Explorer 1 GitHub @Aidos_kuneen
205 BiosCrypto (BIOS) Explorer 1 @Bios_crypto
206 Pascal Lite (PASL) Explorer 1 GitHub @PASLLITE1
207 EOS (EOS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @eos_io
208 AntiBitcoin (ANTI) Explorer 1 GitHub @antibtc
209 Global Jobcoin (GJC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @globaljobcoin
210 GXShares (GXS) Explorer 1 GitHub @gongxinbao
211 Wild Crypto (WILD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @wildcrypto
212 PoSToken (POS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @PoSToken
213 ImpulseCoin (IMPS) Explorer 1 GitHub @impulsecoin
214 RubleBit (RUBIT) Explorer 1 @rublebit
215 GAY Money (GAY) Explorer 1 GitHub @GayCoin
216 Akuya Coin (AKY) Explorer 1
217 Legends Room (LGD) Explorer 1 @LegendsRoom
218 MaidSafeCoin (MAID) Explorer 1 GitHub @maidsafe
219 Piggycoin (PIGGY) Explorer 1 GitHub @piggycoin
220 Carboncoin (CARBON) Explorer 1 GitHub @truecarboncoin
221 Grimcoin (GRIM) Explorer 1 GitHub @grimcoin
222 Tattoocoin (Standard Edition) (TSE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
223 IDEX Membership (IDXM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Aurora_dao
224 Litecoin (LTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @LitecoinProject
225 SixEleven (611) Explorer 1 GitHub @611Coin
226 ZoZoCoin (ZZC) Explorer 1 GitHub
227 Luna Coin (LUNA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
228 Pundi X (PXS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @PundiXLabs
229 PrismChain (PRM) @Prism_Chain
230 Tychocoin (TYCHO) Explorer 1
231 KuCoin Shares (KCS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @kucoincom
232 BigONE Token (BIG) @BigONEexchange
233 Aeon (AEON) Explorer 1 GitHub @AeonCoin
234 Fastcoin (FST) Explorer 1 GitHub @fast_coin
235 AirToken (AIR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @airtoken
236 EncrypGen (DNA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @encrypgen
237 Slevin (SLEVIN) Explorer 1 @7slevin7
238 Privatix (PRIX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @privatix1
239 Cashcoin (CASH) Explorer 1
240 Crystal Clear (CCT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @CCS_Crystal
241 Coinonat (CXT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @coinonat
242 VoteCoin (VOT) Explorer 1 GitHub @vote_coin
243 GameBet Coin (GBT) Explorer 1 GitHub @gamebetgg
244 AirSwap (AST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @airswap
245 Spots (SPT) Explorer 1 GitHub
246 Exchange Union (XUC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @exchange_union
247 Bitcoin2x (BTC2X) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @bitcoin_2x_org
248 UTRUST (UTK) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @UTRUST_Official
249 TittieCoin (TTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @TittieCoin
250 vSlice (VSL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @vDice_io
251 WomenCoin (WOMEN) Explorer 1 GitHub @WomenCoin
252 GuccioneCoin (GCC) Explorer 1 @GuccioneCoinGCC
253 Stealthcoin (XST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @StealthCoin
254 Suretly (SUR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @suretly_com
255 Commodity Ad Network (CDX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @commodityadnet
256 SmileyCoin (SMLY) Explorer 1 GitHub
257 Ulatech (ULA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
258 Bitcoin Gold (BTG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @bitcoingold
259 Qube (QUBE)
260 AurumCoin (AU) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Aurum_Coin
261 Guncoin (GUN) Explorer 1 GitHub
262 BlazerCoin (BLAZR) GitHub
263 Bubble (BUB) Explorer 1 GitHub
264 E-Dinar Coin (EDR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @EDinarWorldwide
265 Shorty (SHORTY) Explorer 1
266 Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) Explorer 1 GitHub @BitcoinDiamond_
267 (DDD) GitHub @scryscry8
268 Golos Gold (GBG) Explorer 1 @Golos_Gold
269 808Coin (808) Explorer 1 GitHub @808BassCoin
270 TurboCoin (TURBO) @turbo_coin
271 Torcoin (TOR) Explorer 1 GitHub @thetorcoin
272 Devery (EVE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @deveryofficial
273 Tezos (Pre-Launch) (XTZ) @tez0s
274 Upfiring (UFR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @upfiringhq
275 XPlay (XPA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Xplayico
276 Deutsche eMark (DEM) Explorer 1 GitHub @Deutsche_eMark
277 NodeCoin (NODC) Explorer 1 GitHub @nodecoin
278 Bitvolt (VOLT) Explorer 1 GitHub
279 iExec RLC (RLC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @iEx_ec
280 LoMoCoin (LMC) Explorer 1 GitHub @LoMoStarLMC
281 Hyper Pay (HPY) Explorer 1 @hyperpay_tech
282 VeChain (VEN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @vechainofficial
283 Verge (XVG) Explorer 1 GitHub @vergecurrency
284 SIBCoin (SIB) Explorer 1 GitHub @SibChervonec
285 Unrealcoin (URC) Explorer 1 @UnrealCoin
286 TopCoin (TOP) Explorer 1 GitHub
287 Yellow Token (YEL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @YellowToken
288 ExclusiveCoin (EXCL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @exclusivecoin
289 Hacken (HKN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Hacken_io
290 MOAC (MOAC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
291 Sexcoin (SXC) Explorer 1 GitHub @realSexcoin
292 iBTC (IBTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ibtctoken
293 Pandacoin (PND) Explorer 1 GitHub @pandacoinpnd
294 Fargocoin (FRGC) Explorer 1 GitHub @fargocoin
295 QLINK (QLC) Explorer 1 GitHub @qlinkmobi
296 FairGame (FAIR) GitHub @fairgameonline
297 POLY AI (AI) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @poly_network
298 Circuits of Value (COVAL) Explorer 1 @circuitsofvalue
299 Darcrus (DAR) Explorer 1 GitHub @darcrus
300 Sovereign Hero (HERO) Explorer 1
Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.

Published by
Ajitesh Kumar

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