
Cheat sheet – 1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins & Details – Part 3

This post lists down some of the following information related to 400 different cryptocurrency coins/tokens. This could be used as a quick reference/cheat sheet to get quick information about any specific cryptocurrency coin.

  • Token name
  • Ticker Symbol used in cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Company’s Website
  • Explorer where details in relation to coins, tokens can be found
  • Source code (Github)
  • Twitter handle

List of 400 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins


S.No Token Name Explorer Source Code Twitter
701 Sparks (SPK) Explorer 1 GitHub @Sparks_Crypro
702 ALQO (ALQO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @ALQOCOIN
703 Curecoin (CURE) Explorer 1 GitHub @CureCoin_Team
704 NVO (NVST) Explorer 1 GitHub @nvoexchange
705 IslaCoin (ISL) Explorer 1 GitHub @islacoin
706 Zayedcoin (ZYD) Explorer 1 GitHub @ZayedCoin
707 Eryllium (ERY) Explorer 1 GitHub @Eryllium
708 RouletteToken (RLT) Explorer 1 GitHub @smartplaytech
709 Walton (WTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Waltonchain
710 Unikoin Gold (UKG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @UnikoinGold
711 Swapcoin (SWP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Swapity_io
712 Phore (PHR) Explorer 1 GitHub @phorecrypto
713 EcoCoin (ECO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ECO_ecocoin
714 Byteball Bytes (GBYTE) Explorer 1 GitHub @ByteballOrg
715 RSGPcoin (RSGP) Explorer 1 GitHub @RSGPcoin
716 HEAT (HEAT) GitHub @heatcrypto
717 SpaceCoin (SPACE) Explorer 1 GitHub @SpaceCoinLab
718 NobleCoin (NOBL) Explorer 1 GitHub @NobleCoinNOBL
719 PinkCoin (PINK) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Pinkcoin_
720 OBITS (OBITS) Explorer 1 @OpenLedgerDC
721 Innova (INN) Explorer 1 GitHub @innovacoin
722 Rasputin Online Coin (ROC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @rasputinonline
723 Useless Ethereum Token (UET) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @uetoken
724 ClearPoll (POLL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @voteclearpoll
725 Blakecoin (BLC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @blakecoin
726 CryptCoin (CRYPT) Explorer 1
727 CoffeeCoin (CFC) Explorer 1 @coffeecoin2
728 (GTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @gelert
729 Musicoin (MUSIC) Explorer 1 GitHub @musicoins
730 BitShares (BTS) Explorer 1 GitHub @BitShares
731 Ethereum Dark (ETHD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ethereum_dark
732 eBitcoinCash (EBCH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ebchcoin
733 Colossuscoin V2 (CV2) Explorer 1 GitHub @ColossuscoinV2
734 Facecoin (FC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
735 TenX (PAY) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @tenxwallet
736 Pesetacoin (PTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @PesetacoinOfic
737 WorldCoin (WDC) Explorer 1 GitHub
738 Bancor (BNT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @BancorNetwork
739 Karbo (KRB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @krbcoin
740 CRTCoin (CRT) Explorer 1
741 Paypex (PAYX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @paypex
742 BitDice (CSNO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @BitDice
743 Ethereum Cash (ECASH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @EthereumCash_
744 Mao Zedong (MAO) Explorer 1 GitHub
745 Signatum (SIGT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @SigtOfficial
746 OFCOIN (OF) Explorer 1 GitHub @OFIDPlatform
747 Telcoin (TEL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @telcoin_team
748 Eidoo (EDO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @eidoo_io
749 Coupecoin (COUPE) Explorer 1 @CoupecoinLLC
750 Eternity (ENT) Explorer 1 GitHub @Eternity_Group
751 Litecred (LTCR) Explorer 1 GitHub
752 iQuant (IQT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @iQuantChain
753 LiteBitcoin (LBTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @Lite_Bitcoin
754 Ellaism (ELLA) Explorer 1 GitHub @EllaismCoin
755 Skycoin (SKY) Explorer 1 GitHub @Skycoinproject
756 Bitcoin Plus (XBC) Explorer 1 GitHub @BitcoinPlusOrg
757 Bitcoin 21 (XBTC21) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @bitcoin_21
758 Nxt (NXT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @NxtCommunity
759 Hawala.Today (HAT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @hawalatoday
760 Interstellar Holdings (HOLD) Explorer 1 GitHub @InterstellarHLD
761 SoonCoin (SOON) Explorer 1 @sooncoin
762 Oyster (PRL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @OysterProtocol
763 DROXNE (DRXNE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @DRXNEgaming
764 Diamond (DMD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @dmdcoin
765 BitSoar (BSR) Explorer 1
766 Primecoin (XPM) Explorer 1 GitHub @Primecoin
767 Rupaya [OLD] (RUPX) @rupayacoin
768 Ammo Reloaded (AMMO) GitHub @ReloadedAmmo
769 Lunyr (LUN) Explorer 1 GitHub @LunyrInc
770 Visio (VISIO) Explorer 1 GitHub @TheVisioProject
771 ArbitrageCT (ARCT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @arbitrage_ct
772 Acoin (ACOIN) Explorer 1 GitHub @acointeam
773 FidentiaX (FDX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @fidentiaX
774 PeepCoin (PCN)
775 eGold (EGOLD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @eGoldToken
776 InsurePal (IPL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @InsurePal_io
777 FIMKrypto (FIMK) Explorer 1 GitHub @fimktweet
778 PlayerCoin (PLACO) Explorer 1 GitHub @playercoinworld
779 SuperNET (UNITY) Explorer 1 GitHub @SuperNETorg
780 Bytom (BTM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Bytom_Official
781 PlexCoin (PLX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @plexcoin1
782 Bitradio (BRO) Explorer 1 GitHub @bitrad_io
783 Orbitcoin (ORB) Explorer 1 GitHub @Orbitcoin
784 Voyacoin (VOYA) Explorer 1 GitHub @Voyacoin
785 Etheriya (RIYA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @RealEtheriya
786 BnrtxCoin (BNX) Explorer 1 GitHub @bnrtx
787 IOStoken (IOST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @iostoken
788 TopChain (TOPC)
789 Hush (HUSH) Explorer 1 GitHub @MyHushTeam
790 HyperStake (HYP) Explorer 1 GitHub @hyperstake
791 StarCash Network (STARS) Explorer 1 GitHub @StarCashCrypto
792 BenjiRolls (BENJI) Explorer 1 GitHub @BenjiRolls
793 DEW (DEW) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @DewFund
794 Gambit (GAM) Explorer 1 GitHub
795 iEthereum (IETH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @iethereum
796 Qwark (QWARK) Explorer 1 @QwarkToken
797 MediShares (MDS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @MediShares
798 Adelphoi (ADL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @adelphoi_io
799 Corethum (CRTM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @CorethumOracle
800 SACoin (SAC) Explorer 1 GitHub @InfoSacoin
801 BCAP (BCAP) Explorer 1 @blockchaincap
802 Giga Watt Token (WTT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @gigawatt_mining
803 ProChain (PRA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @prochaintech
804 United Bitcoin (UBTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @United_Bitcoin
805 Impact (IMX) Explorer 1 GitHub @Impact_IMX
806 Mothership (MSP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @MothershipCX
807 Goodomy (GOOD) Explorer 1
808 WayGuide (WAY) Explorer 1 GitHub
809 GridCoin (GRC) Explorer 1 GitHub @GridcoinNetwork
810 Omni (OMNI) Explorer 1 GitHub @Omni_layer
811 IrishCoin (IRL) Explorer 1 GitHub @IrishCoin
812 Ethereum Gold (ETG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ethereumgoldetg
813 BLUE (BLUE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @EthereumBlue
814 Asch (XAS) Explorer 1 GitHub @AschPlatform
815 Regacoin (REGA) Explorer 1 GitHub
816 DNotes (NOTE) Explorer 1 GitHub @DNotesCoin
817 BT2 [CST] (BT2)
818 RevolverCoin (XRE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @RevolverCoin
819 TeslaCoin (TES) Explorer 1 GitHub @TeslaCoins
820 WeAreSatoshi (WSX) Explorer 1 GitHub @WeAreSatoshi
821 Playkey (PKT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Playkey_EN
822 Ripto Bux (RBX) Explorer 1 @riptobux
823 Ebittree Coin (EBT) Explorer 1
824 LAthaan (LTH)
825 Ubiq (UBQ) Explorer 1 GitHub @ubiqsmart
826 (CFI) Explorer 1 @cofound_it
827 Bitcrystals (BCY) Explorer 1 @SpellsofGenesis
828 Fazzcoin (FAZZ) Explorer 1 GitHub
829 ICON (ICX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @helloiconworld
830 Humaniq (HMQ) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Humaniq
831 BlockCAT (CAT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @blockcatio
832 B2B (B2B) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @b2broker_net
833 Civic (CVC) Explorer 1 @civickey
834 ICOS (ICOS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @icobox_io
835 Prospectors Gold (PGL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @prospectorsgame
836 Growers International (GRWI) Explorer 1 GitHub @GrowersIntl
837 DIMCOIN (DIM) Explorer 1 @DIMCOIN_
838 MyBit Token (MYB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @MyBit_DApp
839 Raiden Network Token (RDN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @raiden_network
840 SmartBillions (SMART) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @smartbns
841 Snovio (SNOV) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @snovio_ico
842 Comet (CMT) @cometcoin
843 AudioCoin (ADC) Explorer 1 GitHub @ADCaudiocoin
844 PosEx (PEX) Explorer 1 GitHub
845 OX Fina (OX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @oxfina
846 Ignition (IC) Explorer 1 GitHub @ignition_coin
847 Machinecoin (MAC) Explorer 1 GitHub @machinecoin
848 Kzcash (KZC) Explorer 1 @cash_kz
849 bitUSD (BITUSD) Explorer 1
850 GlobalCoin (GLC) Explorer 1 GitHub
851 Roofs (ROOFS) Explorer 1 GitHub @roofs9
852 QuazarCoin (QCN) Explorer 1
853 Gulden (NLG) Explorer 1 @gulden
854 EarthCoin (EAC) Explorer 1 @getearthcoin
855 Global Tour Coin (GTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @globaltourcoin
856 Project-X (NANOX) Explorer 1
857 Lykke (LKK) Explorer 1 GitHub @lykkecity
858 FundYourselfNow (FYN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @fundyourselfnow
859 Atmos (ATMS) Explorer 1 GitHub @thenovusphere
860 Argentum (ARG) Explorer 1 GitHub @Argentum_ARG
861 TajCoin (TAJ) Explorer 1 GitHub @tajcoin
862 Dashcoin (DSH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @dashcoins
863 MCAP (MCAP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @MCAPlabs
864 NetCoin (NET) Explorer 1 GitHub @NETCOIN_NET
865 Golfcoin (GOLF) Explorer 1 @golf_coin
866 WA Space (WA) Explorer 1
867 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
868 LLToken (LLT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
869 HiCoin (XHI) Explorer 1 GitHub @xhicoin
870 SaluS (SLS) Explorer 1 GitHub
871 Operand (OP) Explorer 1
872 Neumark (NEU) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @neufundorg
873 BunnyCoin (BUN) Explorer 1 @bunnycoin
874 Radium (RADS) Explorer 1 GitHub @RadiumCore
875 FunFair (FUN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @FunFairTech
876 ParallelCoin (DUO) Explorer 1 GitHub
877 Nimiq (NET) Explorer 1 GitHub @nimiq
878 Jingtum Tech (SWTC) Explorer 1 @jingtum_tech
879 Ethereum Lite (ELITE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
880 InsaneCoin (INSN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @insanecoin
881 Ethereum (ETH) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @ethereumproject
882 BriaCoin (BRIA) Explorer 1 @BriaCoin
883 PutinCoin (PUT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @PutinCoinPUT
884 Mincoin (MNC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @mincoinus
885 Omicron (OMC) Explorer 1 GitHub
886 Blocktix (TIX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @blocktix
887 Darsek (KED) Explorer 1
888 AvatarCoin (AV) GitHub
889 BlockPay (BLOCKPAY) Explorer 1 @blockpay_ch
890 RealChain (RCT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @RealChainFund
891 BitBoost (BBT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @bitboosters
892 VIVO (VIVO) Explorer 1 GitHub @vivocrypto
893 Zennies (ZENI) Explorer 1 GitHub @ZeniZone
894 Enigma (ENG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @enigmampc
895 Sumokoin (SUMO) Explorer 1 GitHub @sumokoin
896 SuperCoin (SUPER) Explorer 1 GitHub @supercoinv2
897 Dovu (DOVU) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @dovuofficial
898 Francs (FRN) Explorer 1 @francnoir
899 Xios (XIOS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @xioscoin
900 BROTHER (BRAT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @coinBrat
901 PressOne (PRS)
902 Blitzcash (BLITZ) Explorer 1 @bitalize
903 LightChain (LIGHT) GitHub @LightChainOne
904 LUXCoin (LUX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @LUX_Coin
905 LockChain (LOC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @LockChainCo
906 Auroracoin (AUR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @officialAUR
907 Rimbit (RBT) Explorer 1 GitHub @RimbitCrypto
908 Senderon (SDRN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @SenderonToken
909 Theresa May Coin (MAY) Explorer 1 GitHub @theresamaycoin
910 InvestDigital (IDT) GitHub
911 QunQun (QUN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @qunqun_io
912 Quebecoin (QBC) Explorer 1 GitHub
913 ETHLend (LEND) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ethlend1
914 Burst (BURST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Burstcoin_dev
915 Covesting (COV) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @covesting
916 CyberCoin (CC) Explorer 1
917 Bitbase (BTBc) Explorer 1 GitHub @BitbaseICO
918 Bitmark (BTM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @bitmarkupdates
919 PLNcoin (PLNC) GitHub
920 PoSW Coin (POSW) Explorer 1 @POSWallet
921 Creativecoin (CREA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Creative_Chain
922 DFSCoin (DFS) Explorer 1 GitHub @draftlikeaboss
923 SecretCoin (SCRT) Explorer 1 @SecretCoinDevs
924 Soma (SCT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @SomaToken
925 Halcyon (HAL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @halcoin
926 Lampix (PIX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @lampix_co
927 Gatcoin (GAT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @gatcoin
928 Indorse Token (IND) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @joinindorse
929 Tokugawa (TOK) Explorer 1
930 CanYaCoin (CAN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @canyacoin
931 WaykiChain (WIC) @wayki_chain
932 CryptoInsight (TKR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @cryptoinsightio
933 BlockCDN (BCDN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @BlockCDN
934 DigixDAO (DGD) Explorer 1 GitHub @digixglobal
935 OAX (OAX) Explorer 1 @OAX_Foundation
936 TRON (TRX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @tronfoundation
937 Embers (MBRS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @TheEmbermine
938 Phoenixcoin (PXC) Explorer 1 GitHub @Phoenixcoin
939 CasinoCoin (CSC) Explorer 1 GitHub @CasinoCoin_org
940 Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @QRLedger
941 ZCoin (XZC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @zcoinofficial
942 Swarm City (SWT) Explorer 1 GitHub @SwarmCityDApp
943 Bitcoin Scrypt (BTCS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @theotherbitcoin
944 Patientory (PTOY) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @patientory
945 Universe (UNI) Explorer 1 GitHub @Unicoin_UNI
946 VirtualCoin (VC) Explorer 1 GitHub @PRVirtualCoin
947 Qora (QORA) Explorer 1 GitHub @qoracoin
948 Synereo (AMP) Explorer 1 GitHub @Synereo
949 Sativacoin (STV) Explorer 1 GitHub @sativacoins
950 OracleChain (OCT) Explorer 1
951 Megacoin (MEC) Explorer 1 GitHub @megacoin3
952 Bitcoin (BTC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
953 LeviarCoin (XLC) Explorer 1 GitHub @leviarcoin_fdn
954 Synergy (SNRG) Explorer 1 GitHub
955 ProCurrency (PROC) Explorer 1 @ProCommerceInfo
956 DeusCoin (DEUS) Explorer 1 GitHub
957 Evil Coin (EVIL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Evil_Coin
958 MonaCoin (MONA) Explorer 1 GitHub
959 ELTCOIN (ELTCOIN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @officialELTCOIN
960 Orlycoin (ORLY) Explorer 1
961 CoExistCoin (COXST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @CoExistCoin
962 FUNCoin (FUNC) Explorer 1 @func_token
963 Debitcoin (DBTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @debitcoinxyz
964 Databits (DTB) Explorer 1 @AugmentorsGame
965 Clams (CLAM) Explorer 1 GitHub @ClamClient
966 Decision Token (HST) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @HorizonState
967 Augur (REP) Explorer 1 GitHub @AugurProject
968 RabbitCoin (RBBT) Explorer 1 @rabbitcointeam
969 OneRoot Network (RNT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @OneRootNetwork
970 NuBits (USNBT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @OfficialNuBits
971 Crown (CRW) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @CrownPlatform
972 XGOX (XGOX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @XgoxCoin
973 BitcoinX (BCX) GitHub @bcx_team
974 Bitz (BITZ) Explorer 1 GitHub @bitz_currency
975 Incent (INCNT) Explorer 1 @IncentLoyalty
976 BitcoinZ (BTCZ) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @BitcoinZTeam
977 PeopleCoin (MEN) Explorer 1 GitHub
978 Metal (MTL) Explorer 1 @metalpaysme
979 Bitzeny (ZNY) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub
980 Cream (CRM) Explorer 1 GitHub @creamcoin
981 C-Bit (XCT) Explorer 1 GitHub @xctcbits
982 Unity Ingot (UNY) Explorer 1 @IngotTokenFam
983 SatoshiMadness (MAD) Explorer 1 GitHub @SatoshiMadness
984 Decred (DCR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @decredproject
985 SONM (SNM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @sonmdevelopment
986 Viberate (VIB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Viberate_com
987 Moeda Loyalty Points (MDA) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @moedabanking
988 Oxycoin (OXY) Explorer 1 GitHub @oxycoin
989 Artex Coin (ATX) Explorer 1
990 Monster Byte (MBI) Explorer 1
991 BillaryCoin (BLRY) Explorer 1 GitHub @BillaryCoin
992 RonPaulCoin (RPC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @RPCoin
993 Substratum (SUB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @substratumnet
994 IoT Chain (ITC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @IoT_Chain
995 Bitstar (BITS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Bitstar_coin
996 Status (SNT) Explorer 1 GitHub @ethstatus
997 Magi (XMG) Explorer 1 GitHub @coin_magi_xmg
998 Coin2.1 (C2) Explorer 1 @coin2crypto
999 Credo (CREDO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @bitbounceio
1000 UNCoin (UNC) Explorer 1 GitHub
1001 LiteDoge (LDOGE) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @litedoge
1002 Viacoin (VIA) Explorer 1 GitHub @viacoin
1003 Zephyr (ZEPH) Explorer 1 @bitsparkbtc
1004 KiloCoin (KLC) Explorer 1
1005 10M Token (10MT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
1006 CryptoForecast (CFT) Explorer 1 @cryptoforecast
1007 Sphere (SPHR) Explorer 1 GitHub @ProjectSPHR
1008 Everex (EVX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @everexio
1009 FrankyWillCoin (FRWC) Explorer 1
1010 BOScoin (BOS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @boscoinio
1011 LandCoin (LDCN) Explorer 1
1012 Motocoin (MOTO) Explorer 1
1013 First Bitcoin (BIT) Explorer 1 @First_Bitcoin
1014 Bodhi (BOT) Explorer 1 GitHub @bodhitoken
1015 Joulecoin (XJO) Explorer 1 GitHub @joulecoin
1016 Trinity Network Credit (TNC) Explorer 1 GitHub @TrinityProtocol
1017 Bread (BRD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @breadapp
1018 UniCoin (UNIC) Explorer 1
1019 Change (CAG) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @changefinance
1020 Ride My Car (RIDE) Explorer 1 GitHub @ridemycar_team
1021 Ambrosus (AMB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @AmbrosusAMB
1022 Allion (ALL) Explorer 1 GitHub @Allion_ALL
1023 EtherDelta Token (EDT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @etherdelta
1024 Leek Coin (LEEK) @Leekico_Info
1025 Dix Asset (DIX) Explorer 1 @DixAssetCoin
1026 Sand Coin (SND) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ruslanyocto
1027 Breakout (BRK) Explorer 1 GitHub @BreakoutCoin
1028 Uro (URO) GitHub
1030 LinkEye (LET) GitHub @LinkEyeProject
1031 eLTC (ELTC2) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @eLTCoin
1032 FuckToken (FUCK) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @fucktoken
1033 Dollar Online (DOLLAR) Explorer 1 GitHub @dollarglobal
1034 SmartCash (SMART) Explorer 1 GitHub @scashofficial
1035 OctoCoin (888) Explorer 1 GitHub @OctocoinProject
1036 Casino (CASINO) Explorer 1
1037 PureVidz (VIDZ) Explorer 1 GitHub @PureVidz
1038 BT1 [CST] (BT1)
1039 Digital Bullion Gold (DBG) Explorer 1 GitHub
1040 Blocknet (BLOCK) Explorer 1 GitHub @The_Blocknet
1041 Olympus Labs (MOT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @olympuslabsbc
1042 AI Doctor (AIDOC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @AIDOCMe
1043 FoldingCoin (FLDC) Explorer 1 GitHub @FoldingCoin
1044 Digital Credits (DGCS) Explorer 1 @dcreditstwit
1045 Franko (FRK) Explorer 1 GitHub @FrankoCurrency
1046 Confido (CFD) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @Confido_io
1047 PlatinumBAR (XPTX) Explorer 1 GitHub @platinumbarxptx
1048 Groestlcoin (GRS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @GroestlcoinTeam
1049 Titcoin (TIT) Explorer 1 @OfficialTitcoin
1050 RChain (RHOC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @rchain_coop
1051 HTMLCOIN (HTML) Explorer 1 GitHub @HTMLCOIN
1052 Numeraire (NMR) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @numerai
1053 X-Coin (XCO) Explorer 1 GitHub @XcoinNews
1054 Ultimate Secure Cash (USC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @USC_Care
1055 High Voltage (HVCO) Explorer 1 GitHub @highvoltagecoi1
1056 Steps (STEPS) Explorer 1 @AltcoinSteps
1057 Genaro Network (GNX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @GenaroNetwork
1058 DigiByte (DGB) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @DigiByteCoin
1059 Ormeus Coin (ORME) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @ormeuscoin
1060 Astro (ASTRO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @astronautcap
1061 Ixcoin (IXC) Explorer 1 GitHub @ixcoin2014
1062 Populous (PPT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @BitPopulous
1063 ChanCoin (CHAN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @chancoindev
1064 Nuls (NULS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @nulsservice
1065 ArtByte (ABY) @ArtByteMe
1066 YashCoin (YASH) Explorer 1 @yashcoin
1067 Datum (DAT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @datumnetwork
1068 SportyFi (SPF) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @sportyfi_io
1069 Nexus (NXS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @NxsEarth
1070 Ignis (IGNIS) @ignisguide
1071 BitCoal (COAL) Explorer 1 GitHub
1072 YENTEN (YTN) Explorer 1 GitHub
1073 Renos (RNS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @RenosCoin
1074 Acute Angle Cloud (AAC) @AcuteAngleCloud
1075 Quantum (QAU) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @QAUProject
1076 EncryptoTel (ETT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @encryptotel
1077 DECENT (DCT) Explorer 1 @DECENTplatform
1078 SegWit2x (B2X) Explorer 1 GitHub @Segwit_2X
1079 Memetic / PepeCoin (MEME) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @pepecoins
1080 Marscoin (MARS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @marscoinorg
1081 CannabisCoin (CANN) Explorer 1 GitHub @cannabiscoins
1082 Super Bitcoin (SBTC) Explorer 1 GitHub @SuperBTC2
1083 Halloween Coin (HALLO) Explorer 1 GitHub
1084 Mineum (MNM) Explorer 1 GitHub @mineumproject
1085 ZenGold (ZENGOLD) Explorer 1 @ZenGold1
1086 ECC (ECC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @project_ecc
1087 TAGRcoin (TAGR) Explorer 1 GitHub @tagrcoin
1088 AidCoin (AID) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @aid_coin
1089 Cardano (ADA) Explorer 1 GitHub @CardanoStiftung
1090 BitConnect (BCC) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @bitconnect
1091 Divi (DIVX) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @diviproject
1092 MonetaryUnit (MUE) Explorer 1 GitHub @MonetaryUnit
1093 Ecobit (ECOB) @EcoBit_io
1094 Kurrent (KURT) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @Kurrent_Project
1095 UnlimitedIP (UIP) Explorer 1, Explorer 2
1096 Pabyosi Coin (Special) (PCS) Explorer 1
1097 Social (SCL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 @nexus_socials
1098 Pioneer Coin (PCOIN) Explorer 1 GitHub @pioneer_coin
1099 CryptoCarbon (CCRB) Explorer 1
1100 The Vegan Initiative (XVE) GitHub @XVEGANTOKENS
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Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.

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Ajitesh Kumar

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