Application Security

AngularJS – How to Handle XSS Vulnerability Scenarios

This article represents different scenarios related with XSS (cross-site scripting) and how to handle them appropriately using AngularJS features such…

10 years ago

Authentication using One Time Password (OTP) technique – Part 1

Why two factor authentication? With the increase in password theft, phishing attacks and other hacking techniques, the conventional text based…

11 years ago

Java – 4 Security Vulnerabilities Related Coding Practices to Avoid

This article represents top 4 security vulnerabilities related coding practice to avoid while you are programming with Java language. Recently,…

11 years ago

OWASP Broken Authentication and Session Management Example

The article presents an example on one of the top OWASP vulnerability related with authentication and session management. This is…

11 years ago

OWASP Security Misconfiguration Example – Infosys Career Website

The article presents an example of "Security Misconfiguration" vulnerability that was found on Infosys career website. It could be noted…

11 years ago

OAuth Explained with Google OAuth 2.0 Playground

The article represents concepts around OAuth based authentication with help of Google OAuth 2.0 Playground, Thanks to Google! Google OAuth 2.0…

11 years ago

What is OAuth-based Authentication?

Although there are several articles on the internet on OAuth including the pages on , I was unable to…

11 years ago

Tips for Setting up Application Security Education/Training Plan

The article represents one of the education model that could be used to regularly educate your IT organization/team about latest…

11 years ago

Design Tips for Developers to Secure Cloud Applications

If you are a developer working on one or more cloud applications and want to know design and coding tips…

11 years ago

Samsung Fingerprint Scanning API & Mobile Wallet Security?

This article explores the recently released Samsung fingerprint scanning API also termed as "Pass API" in light of security for…

11 years ago