This article represents some of the key reasons on why one should consider using dockers for testing their applications. Some of the points in…
This article represents information and code/scripts which could be used to get started with Cloudera using Dockers. Please feel free…
This article represents Dockerfile code sample which could be used to create Javascript Development environment. Please feel free to comment/suggest…
This article represents code samples on writing Hello World program with TypeScript. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed…
This article represents information on how to install Javascript runtime in order to compile/interpret JS file for the purpose of…
This article represents code samples on how to get setup with Typescript development environment with Dockers. Please feel free to…
This article represents details on whether to use single datastore per microservice. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed…
This article represents key steps of Hadoop Map-Reduce Jobs using a word count example. Please feel free to comment/suggest if…
This blog represents my notes on how data is read and written from/to HDFS. Please feel free to suggest if it…
I came across a great page describing Hadoop map-reduce and HDFS architecture. The page presents some of the following details:…
This blog represents some of the key reasons why every developer must consider adopting for development. 1. Setup clean Dev…
This blog represents top 5 use cases why IT enterprises (product & software-service vendors) should consider adopting Dockers in their…
I just finished up writing a simplistic/trivial framework using ReactJS using which one could quickly create online quizzes. The code…
This article represents concepts around usage of "map" method to traverse and display list of similar objects representing a component…
This blog represents my thoughts on why every developer must adopt dockers for their day-to-day development purpose. I got introduced…
This article represents instructions on how to configure your existing Sublime Text Editor for faster development. Please feel free to…