Ajitesh Kumar

Fixed – Docker Compose & Invalid Volume Specification

This blog presents solution to the error "Invalid Volume Specification" when executing "docker-compose up" command. I got the error when…

8 years ago

Hello World with Apache Spark Standalone Cluster on Docker

This article presents instructions and code samples for Docker enthusiasts to quickly get started with setting up Apache Spark standalone cluster…

8 years ago

Why consider using Guava-like Libraries for API Contract Conditions Checks

This article represents a perspective on why one should consider using Pre/Post condition checks libraries rather than writing it down…

8 years ago

Java – How to Fix java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?

This article represents tips on How to Fix java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when compiling a particular Java file. Please feel free to comment/suggest…

8 years ago

Java – How to Fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError Error?

This article represents tips on how to fix Java error such as UnsupportedClassVersionError. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I…

8 years ago

Java – How to Calculate Size of Objects & Arrays

This article represents a list of web pages which can help one understand the memory usage of Java objects and arrays…

8 years ago

How to Dockerize Springboot Web App

This blog represents instructions and code samples on how to Dockerize a Springboot Web app. The source code be found…

8 years ago

Java Code Sample to Access Firebase Data

This article represents Java code sample which can be used to access Firebase database. Please feel free to comment/suggest if…

8 years ago

Liskov Substitution Principle with Java Code Examples

This article describes what is Liskov Substitution Principle along with code examples in Java. Please feel free to comment/suggest if…

8 years ago

Dockers Containers only to shine more with Kubernetes

A year back, I got started with Dockers Containers. 2-3 months down the road and I realized that thankfully I…

8 years ago

Springboot Web Hello World with a Java & Pom.xml file

This blog presents instructions on how to quickly get started with Springboot Hello World with just one Java file and…

8 years ago

How to Upload CSV Files using Apache FileUpload/CSV

This article represents code samples on how to use Apache Commons FileUpload and Apache Commons CSV libraries to upload CSV…

8 years ago

5 Reasons to Choose Ionic Framework over Xamarin

Are you one of them wondering about which framework to use out of Xamarin or Ionic Framework for developing your…

8 years ago

Ethereum Installation Issue – Missing MSVCR120.dll

This blog represents tips to fix the "missing MSVCR120.dll from your computer" when one tries to start the just installed…

9 years ago

Docker – Install & Access Docker Compose from Putty Client

If you are one of them who access the docker machine using putty client, and you want to work with…

9 years ago

Ionic – How to do Check All with Ion-Checkbox

This blog represents code sample to achieve "Check all" or "Select all" using ION-Checkbox. AngularJS/Ionic Controller Code to Check All…

9 years ago