Following needs to be done to setup Spring boot web app with JSP pages Create a Spring Starter Project Create…
This blog represents commands used to manage MongoDB indexes on a particular collection and tips on how to evaluate query…
This blog represents code required to create a Spring boot application that uses Spring Data MongoRepository interface to connect with MongoDB database.…
This article represents top 10 most commonly used commands for MongoDB beginners. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed…
This article represents steps required to configure BitBucket Webhook to trigger Jenkins Builds on AWS EC2 based on code committed…
This article represents code sample on how to setup Jenkins & GitLab using Docker containers. Please feel free to comment/suggest if…
This article represents quick introduction to two different kind of forms which can be created in Angular 2 or Angular…
Many working with Meteor JS wonders about performance concerns associated with Meteor JS. This blog points some of those concerns…
This blog represents top 9 reasons due to which one could still go with or choose or adopt Meteor JS…
This article represents key aspects of DevOps approach which can be used to achieve continuous delivery/continuous deployment of software unit…
This article enlists the key steps that would be required to create a continuous delivery setup for pushing cloud-native app…
This article represents tips and code samples to get you started quickly with Spring web application within few clicks. Please…
This article represents top 6 websites (for the year 2016-2017) where job seekers could find freelance jobs, assignments or projects.…
This article represents code samples to get started with an AngularJS app with Angular UI-Router and Bootstrap. Please feel free…
This article represents details on how would the technology architecture look like when dealing with continuous delivery of microservices containers…
This article represents detailed view on what happens when a driver program (spark application) is started on one of the…