The following represents key elements of Quantum computing which needs to be emphasized during learning stages: Understanding of Bits and…
This is a list of top 5 rules engine which can be used in your Java application. Out of below 5 frameworks, Drools is the most…
Here is a list of container design patterns which can be used to create useful grouping of containers (atomic unit)…
This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions and answers on Kubernetes. The following topics are covered as part of this practice…
This article explores the technology landscape which can be used to build similar platform / service offerings like First and…
CareNGrow is building a preventive healthcare platform based on AI and cloud-computing technologies. One of the goals is creating and monitoring…
This is a practice test / interview questions and answers for Java Developers working on Spring Framework. These questions can be used to check your…
Proscia, a cloud-based digital pathology provider is on a mission to bring computer intelligence (using artificial intelligence (AI)) to pathology, fighting cancer by…
This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions and answers on Kubernetes. The practice test can prove to be very…
Niramai Health Analytix, a Bengaluru-based startup is creating an AI-powered software system for breast cancer screening. Niramai is using following technologies to achieve the objective…
AIndra, a Bengaluru-based startup is into the business of building innovative products and technologies to aid computational pathology. Established in 2014,…
This is a list of 15+ startups using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for cancer/oncology prediction / treatment. Please feel free to suggest if any piece…
In this article, I would introduce different aspects of the building machine learning models to predict whether a person is suffering from…
This quiz represents practice test on artificial neural networks. These questions and answers can be as well used for your upcoming interviews for the position of machine learning…
This article represents tutorial in relation to how to get started with creating your first Java / PHP Hello World program using AWS Cloud9 IDE. Supported Runtimes…
Here is a list of top ten (10) tricky / popular interview questions and answers for Java developers. I got these questions out…