Are you looking for free subscription to world class online training portals? Here is a way to get it from Microsoft…
This is the first in series of practice tests / interview questions and answers in relation to Hyperledger products suite for building distributed ledgers / Blockchain business networks. This…
This article represents a list of Hyperledger tools and frameworks for building Blockchain applications and when to use each one of them. Hyperledger Frameworks The following…
Given that Blockchain has gone mainstream, companies are now hiring blockchain developers at all levels such as following: Blockchain Development…
The following represents key elements of Quantum computing which needs to be emphasized during learning stages: Understanding of Bits and…
This is a list of top 5 rules engine which can be used in your Java application. Out of below 5 frameworks, Drools is the most…
Here is a list of container design patterns which can be used to create useful grouping of containers (atomic unit)…
If you are looking to create UI mockups for your upcoming mobile / web app, then, here is the the list of top 10+…
This is a list of 10 startups which are using speech recognition technology (Speech-to-text Conversion) to solve different problems. Startup…
This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions and answers on Kubernetes. The following topics are covered as part of this practice…