Statistics Terminologies Cheat Sheet & Examples

2 years ago

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the statistics terminology out there? From sampling distribution to central limit theorem to…

Difference between Probability & Statistics

2 years ago

Are you confused about the difference between probability and statistics? You are not alone! Many struggle to determine the key…

Machine Learning Bias Explained with Examples

2 years ago

In the artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) powered world where predictive models have started getting used more often…

Geometric Distribution Concepts, Formula, Examples

2 years ago

Geometric Distribution, a widely used concept in probability theory, is used to represent the probability of achieving success or failure…

Data value chain: Framework, Concepts

2 years ago

As organizations become increasingly data-driven, understanding the value of data is critical for success. The data value chain framework helps…

Leading & Lagging KPIs – Concepts & Examples

2 years ago

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are important for any organization. They measure the success or failure of initiatives, projects and products…

Data Analysis Types: Concepts & Examples

2 years ago

Data analysis plays an important role in understanding the world, discovering trends, and making decisions. Having a good understanding of…

Data Quality Characteristics & Examples

2 years ago

It is no secret that data is an essential component in the day-to-day operations of businesses—as well as the decision…

Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning: Examples

2 years ago

Machine learning models are often trained with a variety of different methods in order to create a more accurate prediction.…

CART Decision Tree Python Example

2 years ago

The Classification and Regression Tree (CART) is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for classification, regression. In this blog, we…