
Why is QA needed for Machine Learning Models?

Given that the machine learning models are also a kind of conventional software application, the quality assurance principles applied to…

6 years ago

Testing Machine Learning Models on Dual Coding Principles

This post intends to propose a technique termed as Dual Coding for testing or performing quality control checks on machine…

6 years ago

QA – Blackbox Testing for Machine Learning Models

Data science/Machine learning career has primarily been associated with building models which could do numerical or class-related predictions. This is…

7 years ago

Assessing Quality of AI Models from QA Standpoint

In this post, you will learn about the definition of quality of AI / machine learning (ML) models. Getting a good understanding of what is…

7 years ago

QA – Metamorphic Testing for Machine Learning Models

In this post, you will learn about how metamorphic testing could be used for performing quality control checks/testing on machine learning models. The post is…

7 years ago

QA – Why Machine Learning Systems are Non-testable

This post represents views on why machine learning systems or models are termed as non-testable from quality control/quality assurance perspectives. Before I proceed ahead, let…

7 years ago

QA – Testing Features of Machine Learning Models

In this post, you will learn about different types of test cases which you could come up for testing features of the data…

7 years ago

QA & Data Science – How to Test Features Relevance

In this post, I intend to present a perspective on the need for QA / testing team to test the…

7 years ago

Quality Assurance / Testing the Machine Learning Model

This is the first post in the series of posts related to Quality Assurance & Testing Practices and Data Science /…

7 years ago

Selenium Interview Questions and Answers – Set 1

In this post, you will take the objective test (interview questions and answers) to check your knowledge of Selenium. This…

7 years ago

Mobile Testing Tools & Methodologies used @ Expedia

The article lists down tools & methodologies used for testing Expedia mobile apps (both mobile web & native). Test-driven Development…

11 years ago

Mobile Apps Testing Frameworks Used at LinkedIn

The article lists down tools & frameworks that are used for mobile app testing at LinkedIn. Vows: Vows is a…

11 years ago

Why Facebook Relies on A/B Testing?

This article talks about A/B testing, why companies like Facebook rely on it and what would it take to adopt…

11 years ago

Tips & Techniques for Estimating Software Testing Effort

Even before we go about looking into tips and techniques for doing effort estimation for testing, it may be kept…

11 years ago

Testing Early, Testing Often for Greater Success in Agile SCRUM

In my experiences, I have found two different approaches taken towards testing in Agile SCRUM: Testers creating test plans while…

11 years ago

If I Woke up as a Test Engineer One Day…

If I, being an application developer, have to spend a day as a tester, following are some of the activities…

11 years ago