machine learning

How to Choose Right Machine Learning Algorithms?

In this post, you will learn about tips and techniques which could be used for selecting or choosing the right…

6 years ago

QA – How Reliable are your Machine Learning Systems?

In this post, you will learn about different aspects of creating a machine learning system with high reliability. It should…

6 years ago

Why is QA needed for Machine Learning Models?

Given that the machine learning models are also a kind of conventional software application, the quality assurance principles applied to…

6 years ago

Testing Machine Learning Models on Dual Coding Principles

This post intends to propose a technique termed as Dual Coding for testing or performing quality control checks on machine…

7 years ago

QA – Blackbox Testing for Machine Learning Models

Data science/Machine learning career has primarily been associated with building models which could do numerical or class-related predictions. This is…

7 years ago

Assessing Quality of AI Models from QA Standpoint

In this post, you will learn about the definition of quality of AI / machine learning (ML) models. Getting a good understanding of what is…

7 years ago

QA – Metamorphic Testing for Machine Learning Models

In this post, you will learn about how metamorphic testing could be used for performing quality control checks/testing on machine learning models. The post is…

7 years ago

QA – Why Machine Learning Systems are Non-testable

This post represents views on why machine learning systems or models are termed as non-testable from quality control/quality assurance perspectives. Before I proceed ahead, let…

7 years ago

QA – Testing Features of Machine Learning Models

In this post, you will learn about different types of test cases which you could come up for testing features of the data…

7 years ago

QA of Machine Learning Models with PDCA Cycle

The primary goal of establishing and implementing Quality Assurance (QA) practices for machine learning/data science projects or, projects using machine learning models is to…

7 years ago

QA & Data Science – How to Test Features Relevance

In this post, I intend to present a perspective on the need for QA / testing team to test the…

7 years ago

Quality Assurance / Testing the Machine Learning Model

This is the first post in the series of posts related to Quality Assurance & Testing Practices and Data Science /…

7 years ago

AI – Three Different types of Machine Learning Algorithms

This post is aimed to help you learn different types of machine learning algorithms which forms the key to artificial intelligence (AI). Machine…

7 years ago

8 Machine Learning Javascript Frameworks to Explore

Javascript developers tend to look out for Javascript frameworks which can be used to train machine learning models based on…

7 years ago

Sentiment Analysis Examples using Google Cloud NLP API

Sentiment analysis of a text document such as speech, articles on websites etc is about assessing sentiments associated with the…

7 years ago

Data Science – What are Machine Learning (ML) Models?

Machine learning (ML) models is the most commonly used in a data science project. In this post, you will learn…

7 years ago