1101 | Cannation | CNNC | http://www.cannationcoin.com/ | CNNC 1 | https://github.com/cannationproject/cannation | |
1102 | Dogecoin | DOGE | http://dogecoin.com/ | DOGE 1 | https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin | @dogecoin |
1103 | Delphy | DPY | https://delphy.org/ | DPY 1, DPY 2 | https://github.com/DelphyProject | @delphy_org |
1104 | MicroMoney | AMM | https://www.micromoney.io/ | AMM 1, AMM 2 | https://github.com/micro-money/prime | @micromoneyio |
1105 | AnarchistsPrime | ACP | http://www.anarchistsprime.info/ | http://acp1.servep2p.com:3001/ | https://github.com/AnarchistsPrime/Acp2 | @AnarchistsPrime |
1106 | Lightning Bitcoin [Futures] | LBTC | http://lbtc.io/ | | | @LightningBTC |
1107 | Ethereum Classic | ETC | https://ethereumclassic.github.io/ | http://gastracker.io/, http://etherhub.io/ | https://github.com/ethereumproject | @eth_classic |
1108 | Opal | OPAL | http://www.opal-coin.com | OPAL 1 | | @opalcointeam |
1109 | PayCoin | XPY | http://www.paycoin.com | https://ledger.paycoin.com/ | | |
1110 | Pulse | PULSE | http://pulseproject.pw/ | PULSE 1 | https://github.com/elcrypto/Pulse | |
1111 | CoinonatX | XCXT | https://community.coinonatx.io/ |,, XCXT 3 | https://github.com/xcxt-community/ | @coinonat_x |
1112 | Netko | NETKO | http://netko.tech/ | NETKO 1 | https://github.com/netkotech/netko | @NetkoCoin |
1113 | Pluton | PLU | https://plutus.it/ | PLU 1 | | @PlutusIT |
1114 | Tracto | TRCT | http://www.tracto.org/ | TRCT 1, TRCT 2, http://www.tractochain.com/ | | @Tracto14 |
1115 | Mercury Protocol | GMT | https://www.mercuryprotocol.com/ | GMT 1, GMT 2 | | @mercuryprotocol |
1116 | Wagerr | WGR | https://www.wagerr.com/ | WGR 1 | https://github.com/wagerr | @wagerrx |
1117 | PRCoin | PRC | https://prcoin.io/ | PRC 1 | | |
1118 | Vcash | XVC | http://vcash.info/ | https://explorer.vcash.info/, XVC 2 | https://github.com/openvcash | @VCashinfo |
1119 | ColossusCoinXT | COLX | http://colossuscoinxt.org/ | COLX 1, COLX 2 | https://github.com/ColossusCoinXT/ColossusCoinXT/ | @ColossusCoinXT |
1120 | Bytecent | BYC | http://bytecent.com | BYC 1 | | @Bytecent_BYC |
1121 | iXledger | IXT | https://www.ixledger.com/ | IXT 1, IXT 2 | | @iXledger |
1122 | PX | PX | | PX 1 | https://github.com/iGotSpots/PX | |
1123 | Xenon | XNN | https://xenon.network/ | XNN 1, XNN 2 | | @XenonNet |
1124 | Coimatic 3.0 | CTIC3 | http://coimatic.com/ | CTIC3 1, CTIC3 2 | | @coimatic |
1125 | Xaurum | XAUR | http://www.xaurum.org/ | XAUR 1 | https://github.com/XaurumTeam/XaurumOnEthereum | @xaurumofficial |
1126 | BigUp | BIGUP | http://bigup.club/ | BIGUP 1 | https://github.com/BigUps/ | |
1127 | Coimatic 2.0 | CTIC2 | http://coimatic.org/ |, CTIC2 2 | | @coimatic |
1128 | ArcticCoin | ARC | https://arcticcoin.org/ | ARC 1 | https://github.com/ArcticCore/arcticcoin | @ArcticCoin_Main |
1129 | Fonziecoin | FONZ | | | https://github.com/fonziecoin/fonzie/ | |
1130 | CFun | CFUN | https://www.cfunproject.com/ | | | @CFunproject |
1131 | ChessCoin | CHESS | https://chesscoincommunity.com/ | CHESS 1 | https://github.com/coinforchess/chesscoin | @Chess_Coin |
1132 | TeamUp | TEAM | | | https://github.com/teamupdev/teamup/ | @teamupcoin |
1133 | CVCoin | CVCOIN | https://crypviser.net | CVCOIN 1 | | @cvcoin_ico |
1134 | Bitgem | BTG | http://www.bitgem.pw/ | BTG 1 | https://github.com/bitgem/bitgem | |
1135 | Emphy | EPY | https://emphy.io/ | EPY 1, EPY 2 | | @EmphyOfficial |
1136 | SportsCoin | SPORT | https://www.thesportscoin.com/ | | https://github.com/thesportscoin/SPORT-source | @thesportscoin |
1137 | Request Network | REQ | https://request.network/ | REQ 1, REQ 2 | https://github.com/RequestNetwork/ | @requestnetwork |
1138 | Vezt | VZT | https://vezt.co/ | VZT 1, VZT 2 | https://github.com/Vezt/Vezt | @VeztInc |
1139 | BTSR | BTSR | https://btsr.io/ | http://cryptofresh.com/a/BTSR | | @btsr4 |
1140 | Save and Gain | SANDG | http://coinaid.co.uk/ | http://sandg.miningalts.com/ | | |
1141 | DIBCOIN | DIBC | https://dibcoin.us/ | DIBC 1 | | @TheRealDIBCOIN |
1142 | Vault Coin | VLTC | http://vltcoin.org/ | | | |
1143 | PinkDog | PDG | http://www.pinkdog.party/ | http://blockexp.com:8082/ | | |
1144 | GeoCoin | GEO | http://geocoin.cash/, http://geo.money/ | GEO 1 | https://github.com/onetimer/onetimer | @geo_coin |
1145 | Storjcoin X | SJCX | http://storj.io | https://xchain.io/asset/SJCX | https://github.com/Storj/ | @storjproject |
1146 | Namecoin | NMC | https://www.namecoin.org/ | https://namecoin.webbtc.com/, https://namecha.in/ | https://github.com/namecoin | @Namecoin |
1147 | Zap | ZAP | http://www.zap.org/ | ZAP 1, ZAP 2 | https://github.com/zapproject/ | @zaporacles |
1148 | Dent | DENT | https://www.dentcoin.com/ | DENT 1, DENT 2 | | @dentcoin |
1149 | AsiaCoin | AC | http://www.thecoin.asia/ | AC 1 | | |
1150 | FuelCoin | FC2 | http://www.fuelcoin.org/ | FC2 1 | | @FuelCoin |
1151 | RedCoin | RED | http://redcoin.pw/ | http://minemanic.com/red/ | https://github.com/redcoinproject/redcoin | |
1152 | SmartCoin | SMC | http://smartcoin.cc/ | http://smartchain.cc | https://github.com/psionin/smartcoin | |
1153 | Pillar | PLR | https://pillarproject.io/ | PLR 1 | https://github.com/twentythirty/PillarToken/ | @PillarWallet |
1154 | NoLimitCoin | NLC2 | https://nolimitcoin.org/ | http://nolimitcoin.info/ | https://github.com/NoLimitCoin | @NoLimitCoin |
1155 | Monoeci | XMCC | http://www.monacocoin.net/ | XMCC 1 | | @monoeci_monaco |
1156 | Ethorse | HORSE | https://ethorse.com/ | HORSE 1, HORSE 2 | https://github.com/ethorse | @EthorseTeam |
1157 | Matryx | MTX | https://matryx.ai/ | MTX 1, MTX 2 | https://github.com/matryx | @matryx_ai |
1158 | TIES Network | TIE | https://ties.network/ | TIE 1, TIE 2 | http://github.com/tiesnetwork | @tiesnetwork |
1159 | Cycling Coin | CYC | | | https://github.com/cyclingcoin/cyclingcoin | @cyclingcoin |
1160 | 42-coin | 42 | http://42-coin.org/ | 42 1, 42 2 | https://github.com/42-coin/42 | @42newchain |
1161 | Bitok | BITOK | http://bitok.online/ | http://bitok.steeppool.com/ | https://github.com/bitokproject/bitok | @bitokonline |
1162 | Oceanlab | OCL | https://www.oceanlab.eu/ | https://gravit.ws/ | | @oceanlab_eu |
1163 | Shadow Token | SHDW | http://shadowtoken.io/ | SHDW 1 | | |
1164 | Kubera Coin | KBR | https://kuberacoin.com/ | KBR 1, KBR 2 | | @teamkubera |
1165 | 0x | ZRX | https://0xproject.com/ | https://etherscan.io/token/ZRX, ZRX 2 | https://github.com/0xProject | @0xproject |
1166 | GoldReserve | XGR | http://www.goldreservecoin.com/ | XGR 1 | https://github.com/Mesterlovesz74/GoldReserve | |
1167 | GameCredits | GAME | http://gamecredits.com | GAME 1 | | @gamecredits |
1168 | AmberCoin | AMBER | http://ambercoin.info | AMBER 1 | | @AmberTradeLTD |
1169 | Monaco | MCO | https://www.mona.co/ | MCO 1, MCO 2 | | @monaco_card |
1170 | UniversalRoyalCoin | UNRC | https://universalroyalcoin.com/ | https://ex.unrc.eu/ | | |
1171 | Yescoin | YES | http://yescoin.us/ | | https://github.com/yescoindev/yes/ | @yescoin |
1172 | VectorAI | VEC2 | http://vector-blockchain.com/ | VEC2 1 | https://github.com/vectorcoindev/Vector | |
1173 | Bitcoin Atom [Futures] | BCA | https://bitcoinatom.io/ | | http://github.com/bitcoin-atom | @atombitcoin |
1174 | Vsync | VSX | https://vsync.pw/ | https://explorer.vsync.pw/ | https://github.com/VsyncCrypto/VSX | @VsyncCrypto |
1175 | FlavorCoin | FLVR | http://www.flavorcoinradio.com/ | FLVR 1 | | @flavorcoin |
1176 | ShareX | SEXC | https://sharex.vc/ | | | |
1177 | InvisibleCoin | IVZ | | | https://github.com/ivzdev/invisiblecoin | |
1178 | ATMChain | ATM | https://www.atmchain.io/ | ATM 1, ATM 2 | | @ATMChainDev |
1179 | LEOcoin | LEO | http://www.leocoin.org/, http://leocoinfoundation.org/ | https://insight.leocoin.org/ | https://github.com/Leocoin-project/LEOcoin | @LEOcoinORG |
1180 | Yocoin | YOC | http://www.yocoin.org/ | https://explorer.yocoin.org | | @yocoin15 |
1181 | GameUnits | UNITS | http://gameunits.org/ |, | https://github.com/gameunits/gameunits | @TeamGameunits |
1182 | Storm | STORM | https://stormtoken.com/ | STORM 1, STORM 2 | https://github.com/StormX-Inc/crowdsale | @Storm_Token |
1183 | bitqy | BQ | https://bitqy.org/ | BQ 1, BQ 2 | | @bitqyofficial |
1184 | KingN Coin | KNC | http://kingncoin.com/ | KNC 1 | https://github.com/ulandort/kingncoin-source | @KingNCoin |
1185 | Neuro | NRO | http://neurocoin.org/ | NRO 1 | https://github.com/neurocoin/neurocoin | @neurocoinnews |
1186 | Mintcoin | MINT | http://www.mintcoinofficial.com | MINT 1 | https://github.com/MintcoinCommunity/ | @mintcointeam |
1187 | Soarcoin | SOAR | http://soarlabs.org/ | http://explorer.soarlabs.org/, SOAR 2, SOAR 3 | | @soarcoin |
1188 | Maker | MKR | https://makerdao.com/ | MKR 1, MKR 2 | | @MakerDAO |
1189 | Polis | POLIS | https://polispay.org/ | https://explorer.polispay.org/ | https://github.com/polispay/polis | @PolisBlockchain |
1190 | Veros | VRS | https://veros.org/ | http://www.verosexplorer.org/, VRS 2, VRS 3 | | |
1191 | Condensate | RAIN | http://condensate.co | RAIN 1, RAIN 2 | | @condensate_rain |
1192 | ReddCoin | RDD | http://www.reddcoin.com/ | http://live.reddcoin.com/ | https://github.com/reddcoin-project/reddcoin | @reddcoin |
1193 | Storj | STORJ | https://storj.io/ | STORJ 1, STORJ 2 | https://github.com/Storj/ | @storjproject |
1194 | Valorbit | VAL | https://valorbit.com/ | http://unblock.valorbit.com/ | https://github.com/valorbit/valorbit | @Valorbit |
1195 | High Performance Blockchain | HPB | http://www.gxn.io/ | HPB 1, HPB 2 | | @HPB_Global |
1196 | Centurion | CNT | http://www.centurionlab.org/ | CNT 1 | | @centurion_coin |
1197 | Cyder | CYDER | http://cydercoin.com/ | http://blockchaincyder.com/, http://cydercoin.lchain.cc/ | https://github.com/cyderenergy/cyder | |
1198 | Selfkey | KEY | https://selfkey.org/ | KEY 1, KEY 2 | | @SelfKey |
1199 | GlobalBoost-Y | BSTY | http://globalboost-y.com/ | BSTY 1 | https://github.com/GlobalBoost/GlobalBoost-Y | @globalboost |
1200 | Cashme | CME | | | | |
1201 | Elastic | XEL | https://www.elastic.pw/ | http://elasticexplorer.org/ | https://github.com/sprocket-fpga/xel_miner | @elastic_coin |
1202 | Pylon Network | PYLNT | https://pylon-network.org/ | PYLNT 1, PYLNT 2 | https://github.com/klenergy | @KlenergyTech |
1203 | Aerium | AERM | https://www.aerium.info/, https://www.aerium.co/ | | https://github.com/aeriumcoin/ | @aeriumcoin |
1204 | iTicoin | ITI | http://iticoin.com/ | http://explorer.iticoin.com/ | https://github.com/sppl/iti | |
1205 | BlockMason Credit Protocol | BCPT | https://blockmason.io/ | BCPT 1, BCPT 2 | | @blockmasonio |
1206 | LiteBar | LTB | http://litebar.co/ | LTB 1 | https://github.com/Crypto-Currency/litebar | |
1207 | Miners’ Reward Token | MRT | http://wavescommunity.com/miners-reward-token/ | | | |
1208 | Nebulas | NAS | https://nebulas.io/ | NAS 1, NAS 2 | https://github.com/nebulasio | @nebulasio |
1209 | CloakCoin | CLOAK | https://www.cloakcoin.com/ | CLOAK 1, CLOAK 2 | https://github.com/CloakProject/Cloak2Public | @CloakCoin |
1210 | Open Trading Network | OTN | https://otn.org/ | OTN 1, OTN 2 | https://github.com/OpenTradingNetworkFoundation | @otncoin |
1211 | Bitcoin Red | BTCRED | http://www.bitcoinred.io/ | BTCRED 1, BTCRED 2 | | @BitcoinRed1 |
1212 | Sterlingcoin | SLG | http://sterlingcoin.org/ | SLG 1 | https://github.com/Sterlingcoin/ | @SterlingcoinSLG |
1213 | Marijuanacoin | MAR | https://marijuanacoin.net | MAR 1 | | @Marijuanacoins |
1214 | Aurora DAO | AURA | https://auroradao.com | AURA 1, AURA 2 | | @aurora_dao |
1215 | Elacoin | ELC | http://elc.22web.org/ | | https://github.com/TheRCG/Elacoin | |
1216 | Dashs | DASHS | http://dashscrypt.com/ | | https://github.com/DASHSCRYPT/DASHScrypt | |
1217 | OCOW | OCOW | https://ocow.info/ | | https://github.com/onecoinoneworld/Ocow/tree/source | |
1218 | Zero | ZER | http://zero.finance/ | ZER 1 | https://github.com/backendmaster/zero | |
1219 | Accelerator Network | ACC | https://accelerator.network/ | ACC 1, ACC 2 | https://github.com/acceleratornetwork/accelerator-token | @Accelerator_Net |
1220 | Jetcoin | JET | http://www.jetcoininstitute.com/ | JET 1 | | @jetcoins |
1221 | ANRYZE | RYZ | https://anryze.com/ | RYZ 1 | | @anryze |
1222 | Kronecoin | KRONE | https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2068475.0 | http://kroneblocks.org/ | https://github.com/Kronecoin | @Kronecoin |
1223 | Monero | XMR | http://www.monero.cc | http://moneroblocks.info/, XMR 2 | https://github.com/monero-project/monero | @monerocurrency |
1224 | Skeincoin | SKC | http://skeincoin.co/ | http://xplorer.skeincoin.co/ | http://github.com/skeincoin/skeincoin | @skeincoin |
1225 | GoldPieces | GP | http://goldpieces.net/ | GP 1, GP 2 | | @GPCoin |
1226 | Dynamic | DYN | https://duality.solutions/ | http://dyn.blocksandchain.com/ | https://github.com/duality-solutions/ | @dualitychain |
1227 | UltraCoin | UTC | http://ultracoin.io/ | http://utc.presstab.pw/ | https://github.com/presstab/ultracoin-2 | @official_utc |
1228 | LendConnect | LCT | https://lendconnect.io/ | LCT 1, LCT 2 | | @lendconnect |
1229 | UR | UR | https://ur.technology/ | http://explorer.ur.technology/ | https://github.com/ur-technology/go-ur | @URforall |
1230 | Kore | KORE | http://kore.life/ | KORE 1 | https://github.com/Kore-Core/kore | @NewKoreCoin |
1231 | Lamden | TAU | https://lamden.io/ | TAU 1, TAU 2 | https://github.com/Lamden/ | @lamdentau |
1232 | Obsidian | ODN | https://obsidianplatform.com | ODN 1, ODN 2 | https://github.com/obsidianproject | @ObsidianCrypto |
1233 | GCN Coin | GCN | https://gcn.zone | GCN 1, http://gcnblock.com/ | | @GCNcoin |
1234 | HODL Bucks | HDLB | http://www.hodlbucks.com/ | HDLB 1, HDLB 2 | | @hodlbucks |
1235 | TrustPlus | TRUST | http://trustplus.co | TRUST 1 | https://github.com/TrustPlus/ | @trustplus |
1236 | eBIT | EBIT | https://www.ebit.trade/ | EBIT 1, EBIT 2 | | @ebit_tokens |
1237 | Bitcoin God | GOD | https://www.bitcoingod.org/ | | | @BitcoinGodOrg |
1238 | Aeron | ARN | https://aeron.aero/ | ARN 1, ARN 2 | https://github.com/aeronaero/aeron | @aeron_aero |
1239 | Zonecoin | ZNE | https://www.zonecoin.tech/ | http://explorer.zonecoin.tech/ | https://github.com/St4yInTh3D4rk/Zonecoin | @ZonecoinTech |
1240 | Antilitecoin | ALTC | http://antilitecoin.pw/ | http://tekyexplorer.xyz/altc/ | | @antilitecoin |
1241 | Prototanium | PR | http://prototanium.uno/ | PR 1, PR 2 | | |
1242 | SafeCoin | SFE | | | | |
1243 | Experience Points | XP | http://www.xpcoin.io/ | XP 1 | https://github.com/eXperiencePoints/XPCoin/ | @thebigxp |
1244 | Einsteinium | EMC2 | https://www.emc2.foundation/ | EMC2 1 | https://github.com/emc2foundation/einsteinium | @einsteiniumcoin |
1245 | BipCoin | BIP | https://bipcoin.org/ | BIP 1 | | |
1246 | Ripple | XRP | https://ripple.com/ | XRP 1, https://bithomp.com/explorer/ | https://github.com/ripple | @Ripple |
1247 | Syscoin | SYS | http://syscoin.org | SYS 1 | https://github.com/syscoin/ | @syscoin |
1248 | Smartlands | SLT | https://smartlands.io/ | SLT 1 | https://github.com/Smartlands-Platform/SLT | @smartlands |
1249 | FirstCoin | FRST | http://firstcoinproject.com/ | FRST 1 | | |
1250 | Kobocoin | KOBO | http://kobocoin.com | KOBO 1 | https://bitbucket.org/TheTribesman/kobocoin | @kobocoindev |
1251 | MoneyCoin | MONEY | http://moneycoin.pw/ | | | @moneycoindev |
1252 | TheCreed | TCR | http://thecreed.tech/ | | | @TheCreed_Crypto |
1253 | UFO Coin | UFO | https://ufocoin.net/ | UFO 1 | https://github.com/UFOCoins/ufo | @UFOCoins |
1254 | EventChain | EVC | https://eventchain.io/ | EVC 1, EVC 2 | | @eventchain_io |
1255 | X2 | X2 | | http://x2.altcoinsteps.com/ | https://github.com/X2Team2017/X2 | @X2Team2017 |
1256 | ReeCoin | REE | http://reecoin.com/ | http://reecoinexplorer.com/ | https://github.com/Reecoin/Reecoin-Project | @reecoindev |
1257 | Coin(O) | CNO | http://coin-o-coin.com/ | CNO 1, CNO 2 | | |
1258 | Pura | PURA | http://www.pura.one/ | PURA 1 | https://github.com/PURAcore/ | @PuraSocial |
1259 | Faceblock | FBL | http://faceblock.io/ | FBL 1, FBL 2 | | @thefaceblock |
1260 | e-Gulden | EFL | http://www.e-gulden.org | EFL 1 | https://github.com/Electronic-Gulden-Foundation/ | @eguldenfoundati |
1261 | Bata | BTA | http://www.bata.io/ | BTA 1, http://bata.midnightminer.net/ | https://github.com/BTA-BATA/BATA-SOURCE | @Bata_io |
1262 | NEVERDIE | NDC | https://neverdie.com/ | NDC 1, NDC 2 | | @nevereverdie |
1263 | BitTokens | BXT | http://www.bittoken.pw/ | BXT 1 | https://github.com/BitTokens/BitToken | @Bittokens |
1264 | CryptoEscudo | CESC | http://www.cryptoescudo.org/ | CESC 1 | | @cryptoescudo |
1265 | IPChain | IPC | https://www.ipcchain.org/ | | | |
1266 | Streamr DATAcoin | DATA | https://www.streamr.com/ | DATA 1, DATA 2 | https://github.com/streamr-dev | @streamrinc |
1267 | Chronos | CRX | http://chronos-coin.com/ | CRX 1 | https://github.com/chronoscoin/Chronoscoin | @ChronosCoin |
1268 | Pure | PURE | https://purealt.org/ | http://purexplorer.dynu.net/ | https://github.com/puredev321/pure | @purealtcoin |
1269 | Titanium Blockchain | BAR | https://tbis.io/ | BAR 1, BAR 2 | https://github.com/tbis-inc/TBIS | @TBISINC |
1270 | LIFE | LIFE | https://token.lifelabs.io/ | LIFE 1, LIFE 2 | | @LIFElabsHQ |
1271 | SmartMesh | SMT | https://smartmesh.io/ | SMT 1, SMT 2 | https://github.com/SmartMeshFoundation | @smart_mesh |
1272 | Influxcoin | INFX | http://influxcoin.xyz/ | INFX 1 | https://github.com/chainworksindustries/influx/ | @Infxcoin |
1273 | Kin | KIN | http://kinecosystem.org/, https://kin.kik.com | KIN 1, KIN 2 | | @kin_foundation |
1274 | AmsterdamCoin | AMS | http://amsterdamcoin.com/ | AMS 1 | https://github.com/CoinProjects/AmsterdamCoin-v4/ | |
1275 | KemCredit | KMC | https://kemfe.org/ | KMC 1, KMC 2 | | @kemfesupport |
1276 | PotCoin | POT | http://www.potcoin.com/ | POT 1, https://chain.potcoin.com/ | https://github.com/potcoin | @potcoin |
1277 | Magnum | MGM | https://www.mgmcoin.org/ | | | |
1278 | Maecenas | ART | http://www.maecenas.co/ | ART 1, ART 2 | | @maecenasart |
1279 | Honey | HONEY | http://honeycoin.info | http://node.honeycoin.info/, HONEY 2 | https://github.com/cryptofun/honey/ | @thehoneydev |
1280 | Gas | GAS | https://neo.org/ | GAS 1, GAS 2, GAS 3 | | |
1281 | Blockchain Index | BLX | https://www.iconomi.net/dashboard/#/INDEX | BLX 1, BLX 2 | | |
1282 | Po.et | POE | https://po.et/ | POE 1, POE 2 | https://github.com/poetapp | @_poetproject |
1283 | Aseancoin | ASN | https://asncoin.com | https://asnblock.com/ | | |
1284 | DeltaCredits | DCRE | | | | @mishuuae1 |
1285 | Bibox Token | BIX | https://www.bibox.com/ | BIX 1, BIX 2 | https://github.com/bibox365/bixtoken | @Bibox365 |
1286 | NEO GOLD | NEOG | http://neo-gold.ulcraft.com/ | NEOG 1, NEOG 2 | | @NEO_GOLD_com |
1287 | Rubies | RBIES | http://rbies.org/ | RBIES 1 | | |
1288 | Infinity Economics | XIN | http://www.infinity-economics.org/ | XIN 1 | | @XIN_Foundation |
1289 | Rialto | XRL | https://www.rialto.ai/ | XRL 1, XRL 2 | | @RialtoAI |
1290 | Numus | NMS | http://numus.cash/ | https://numus.info/ | https://github.com/numuscrypto/numuscore | @NumusCoin |
1291 | International Diamond | XID | http://xidcoin.com/ | | | |
1292 | STEX | STEX | https://stocks.exchange/ico | STEX 1 | | |
1293 | BitClave | CAT | https://www.bitclave.com/ | CAT 1, CAT 2 | https://github.com/bitclave/ | @bitclave |
1294 | PlusCoin | PLC | https://pluscoin.io/ | PLC 1, PLC 2 | https://github.com/dsplus/PlusCoin | @dsplusf |
1295 | XTRABYTES | XBY | https://www.xtrabytes.global/ | http://www.xtrabytes.info/, XBY 2 | https://github.com/borzalom/XtraBYtes | @xtrabytes |
1296 | Gapcoin | GAP | http://gapcoin.org | GAP 1 | https://github.com/gapcoin | |
1297 | ZClassic | ZCL | http://zclassic.org/ | http://explorer.zclmine.pro/ | https://github.com/z-classic/zclassic | @ZclassicCoin |
1298 | MetalCoin | METAL | http://www.metalmoshpit.com/ | METAL 1 | https://github.com/Metalde/MetalCoin | @MetalCoinTeam |
1299 | Sphre AIR | XID | http://www.sphre.co/ | XID 1, XID 2 | | @sphreco |
1300 | Infinitecoin | IFC | http://www.infiniteco.in | IFC 1 | https://github.com/infinitecoin/infinitecoin | @Infinitecoin_US |
1301 | HOdlcoin | HODL | http://hodlcoin.com | HODL 1 | https://github.com/HOdlcoin/HOdlcoin | |
1302 | Truckcoin | TRK | http://truckcoin.net | TRK 1 | https://github.com/noise23/Truckcoin | |
1303 | Money | $$$ | http://moneyfoundation.github.io/moneypage/index.html | $$$ 1 | https://github.com/moneyfoundation/money | |
1304 | MarteXcoin | MXT | http://martexcoin.org/ | MXT 1, http://martexcoin.org/be/ | https://github.com/martexcoin/martexcoin | @MarteXcoin |
1305 | aXpire | AXP | http://axpire.io | AXP 1, AXP 2 | | @aXpire_official |
1306 | Argus | ARGUS | https://www.argusnetwork.co | http://blockexp.com:8046/ | | @Argus_coin |
1307 | NAV Coin | NAV | http://www.navcoin.org/ | NAV 1 | https://github.com/NAVCoin | @NAVCoin |
1308 | bitJob | STU | https://bitjob.io/ | STU 1, STU 2 | https://github.com/bitjobteam | @bitjob_team |
1309 | Nexium | NXC | https://beyond-the-void.net/ | NXC 1, NXC 2 | | @BeyondVoidGame |
1310 | Grantcoin | GRT | http://www.grantcoin.org/ | GRT 1 | | @mannacurrency |
1311 | TrezarCoin | TZC | http://trezarcoin.com/ | TZC 1, https://trezarcoin.network/, http://tzc.explorerz.top:3004/ | | @TrezarCoin |
1312 | PokeCoin | POKE | | POKE 1 | https://github.com/PokeCoinDev/pokecoin | @pokemoncoindev |
1313 | DubaiCoin | DBIX | http://www.arabianchain.org/ | http://dbixscan.io/, DBIX 2 | https://github.com/dubaicoin-dbix/go-dubaicoin | @arabianchain |
1314 | GeyserCoin | GSR | http://geysercoin.com/ | http://geysercoin.com:3001/ | https://github.com/geysercoin/geysercoin | @GeyserCoin_Dev |
1315 | MarxCoin | MARX | https://www.marxcoin.com/ | MARX 1 | https://github.com/MARXCOIN01/MARX | @MARXCOLLECTIVE1 |
1316 | LevoPlus | LVPS | http://levoplus.com/ | http://explorer.levoplus.com/ | https://github.com/levoplus/ | |
1317 | Quantstamp | QSP | https://quantstamp.com/ | QSP 1, QSP 2 | https://github.com/quantstamp | @Quantstamp |
1318 | Jinn | JINN | http://www.jinnlabs.com | JINN 1 | | |
1319 | Adzcoin | ADZ | https://adzcoin.org/ | http://adzcoin.net/ | https://github.com/AdzCoin/adzcoin | @adzbuzz |
1320 | CoinMeet | MEE | https://coinmeet.io/ | MEE 1, MEE 2 | | @CoinMeetCoin |
1321 | Etheroll | DICE | https://etheroll.com/, https://etheroll.wordpress.com/ | DICE 1 | | @etheroll |
1322 | bitGold | BITGOLD | http://bit.ly/BitShares_GOLD | http://cryptofresh.com/a/GOLD | | |
1323 | Metal Music Coin | MTLMC3 | http://metalmusiccoin.pw/ | http://minemanic.com/mtlmcv3/ | https://github.com/metalmusiccoin/MTLMCV3 | @metalmusiccoin |
1324 | Odyssey | OCN | https://www.ocoin.sg | OCN 1, OCN 2 | | |
1325 | SISA | SISA | https://sisa.fund/ | SISA 1, SISA 2 | https://github.com/SISAteam/SISA-Token | @sisa_fund |
1326 | Chronobank | TIME | https://chronobank.io/ | TIME 1 | https://github.com/ChronoBank | @ChronobankNews |
1327 | Bitcedi | BXC | http://bitcedi.org/ | BXC 1 | https://github.com/lulworm/bitcedi | @Bitcedis |
1328 | Molecular Future | MOF | http://www.molecular.cc/ | MOF 1, MOF 2 | | @molecular_cc |
1329 | PayPeer | PAYP | http://www.paypeer.pw/ | | https://github.com/paypeer/paypeer | @PayPeerDev |
1330 | Simple Token | OST | https://simpletoken.org/ | OST 1, OST 2 | https://github.com/OpenSTFoundation | @TheSimpleToken |
1331 | Sprouts | SPRTS | https://sproutscommunity.wordpress.com/ | SPRTS 1 | https://github.com/SproutsCommunityRep/sprouts | @cryptosprouts |
1332 | bitBTC | BITBTC | http://bit.ly/BitShares_BTC | http://cryptofresh.com/a/BTC | | |
1333 | Eurocoin | EUC | http://eurocoin-euc.com/ | EUC 1 | https://github.com/scriptexpert/Eurocoin | @eurocoin2015 |
1334 | REX | REX | http://rexmls.com/ | REX 1, REX 2 | | @REXmls |
1335 | Electra | ECA | https://electraproject.org/ | ECA 1, ECA 2 | https://github.com/Electra-project | @ElectracoinECA |
1336 | Canada eCoin | CDN | http://www.canadaecoin.ca/ | CDN 1 | https://github.com/Canada-eCoin/ | @canadaecoin |
1337 | High Gain | HIGH | http://www.highgain.ltd/ | | https://github.com/highgainqubit/highgain | @HighgainHigh |
1338 | Eroscoin | ERO | https://eroscoin.org/ | ERO 1, ERO 2 | https://github.com/eroscoin | @eroscoinnews |
1339 | Propy | PRO | https://propy.com/ | PRO 1, PRO 2 | | @propyinc |
1340 | Crypto Bullion | CBX | http://cryptobullion.io/ | CBX 1 | https://github.com/cryptogenicbonds/CryptoBullion-CBX | @CryptoBullionX |
1341 | JobsCoin | JOBS | http://jobscoin.us/ | | | @Jobscoin |
1342 | COMSA [XEM] | CMS | https://comsa.io/en/ | | | @comsaglobal |
1343 | Bankex | BKX | https://bankex.com/en/ | BKX 1, BKX 2 | https://github.com/BankEx | @BankExProtocol |
1344 | Xaucoin | XAU | | http://cryptoplorer.com:3003/ | | @xau_coin |
1345 | Expanse | EXP | http://www.expanse.tech/ | http://www.gander.tech/, EXP 2 | https://www.github.com/expanse-org | @expanseofficial |
1346 | Greencoin | GRE | http://www.grcoin.com/ | GRE 1 | https://github.com/greencoin-dev/GreenCoinV2 | @gogreencoin |
1347 | Shilling | SH | https://digitalshilling.org/ | SH 1 | https://github.com/yavwa/Shilling | @DigitalShilling |
1348 | eUSD | EUSD | http://www.eusd.io/ | EUSD 1, EUSD 2 | | @eusdtoken |
1349 | True Chain | TRUE | http://www.truechain.pro | | | |
1350 | carVertical | CV | https://www.carvertical.com/ | CV 1, CV 2 | https://github.com/carVertical | @carVertical_com |
1351 | Fujinto | NTO | https://fujinto.io/ | NTO 1, NTO 2 | https://github.com/fujinto/fujinto-smart-contract | @FUJINTO_ |
1352 | Pascal Coin | PASC | http://www.pascalcoin.org/ | PASC 1 | https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin | @PascalCoin |
1353 | Russian Miner Coin | RMC | https://rmc.one/ | RMC 1 | | @russianminerco |
1354 | Link Platform | LNK | https://ethereum.link/ | LNK 1, LNK 2 | https://github.com/ethlink/ | @linkplatform |
1355 | Bitpark Coin | BPC | https://bitpark.net/ | BPC 1 | | @BITPARK_ |
1356 | EchoLink | EKO | https://echolink.info/ | EKO 1, EKO 2 | https://github.com/EchoLinkTech/Echo | @EchoLinkInfo1 |
1357 | CarTaxi Token | CTX | https://cartaxi.io/ | CTX 1, CTX 2 | https://github.com/CarTaxiico | @cartaxi_24 |
1358 | FORCE | FOR | https://forcecoin.io/ | http://explorer.forcecoin.io/, http://for.explorerz.top:3027/ | https://github.com/forceunited/ | @forcecoinunited |
1359 | Dollarcoin | DLC | | DLC 1 | https://github.com/dollarcoins/source | @moneydollarcoin |
1360 | Solarflarecoin | SFC | http://solarflarecoin.us/ | SFC 1 | https://github.com/solarflareproject/solarflarecoin | @solarflarecoin |
1361 | JavaScript Token | JS | http://jschain.io/ | JS 1, JS 2 | https://github.com/jschain | @js_chain |
1362 | President Johnson | GARY | http://johnson.2016coin.org/ | GARY 1 | | |
1363 | BioBar | BIOB | http://biobar-crypto.ml/ | http://blockexp.com:8888/ | https://github.com/sassafrasstubby/BioBar | @BioBar_Crypto |
1364 | SpaceChain | SPC | http://spacechain.com/ | SPC 1 | | @Space__Chain |
1365 | HomeBlockCoin | HBC | https://www.homeblockcoin.com/ | HBC 1 | | @homeblockcoin |
1366 | Californium | CF | http://www.californium.info/ | CF 1 | https://github.com/Californium/Californium | |
1367 | Hive | HVN | https://www.hive-project.net/ | HVN 1, HVN 2 | | @hiveproject_net |
1368 | Aigang | AIX | https://aigang.network/ | AIX 1, AIX 2 | https://github.com/AigangNetwork | @aigangnetwork |
1369 | Cheapcoin | CHEAP | | | https://github.com/cheapandcloud/chain | @cheapcrypto |
1370 | Steem | STEEM | https://steem.io/, https://steemit.com/ | http://steemd.com/, https://steemdb.com/ | https://github.com/steemit/steem | @Steemit |
1371 | Mooncoin | MOON | https://www.mooncoin.eco/, http://mooncoin.com/ | MOON 1, https://bchain.info/MOON/, MOON 3 | https://github.com/mooncoincore | @mooncoinitalia |
1372 | Birds | BIRDS | https://www.birdscoin.com/ | | https://github.com/Birdsdev/Birds | @Birds_Coin |
1373 | Bela | BELA | http://livebela.com/ | BELA 1, BELA 2 | https://github.com/bellacoin/ | @LetsLiveBela |
1374 | MindCoin | MND | http://www.mindcoin.xyz/ | MND 1, MND 2 | https://github.com/MindCoinTeam/MindCoin | @MindCoinCrypto |
1375 | Aricoin | ARI | https://aricoin.org/ | ARI 1 | https://github.com/aricoin/aricoin | @AricoinCurrency |
1376 | SHACoin | SHA | http://www.shacoin2.com/, http://shacoin.org/ | | https://github.com/AltcoinsBeta/SHACoin-Dead | @shacoin2 |
1377 | HempCoin | THC | http://hempcoin.org/ | THC 1, http://thcblock.ga/ | https://github.com/hempcoin-project/THC | @TheHempCoin |
1378 | Verify | CRED | https://verify.as/ | CRED 1, CRED 2 | https://github.com/verifyas | @verif_yas |
1379 | Opescoin | OPES | | | https://github.com/OpesCoin/OPES | @Opescoindev |
1380 | MagicCoin | MAGE | https://magiccoin.io/ | MAGE 1 | | @magiccoinio |
1381 | Global Business Revolution | GBRC | https://gbrcoin.com/ | http://explorer.gbrcoin.com/ | | @gbrcoin |
1382 | CrevaCoin | CREVA | http://www.crevacoin.com/ | http://chains.crevacoin.com/ | https://github.com/crevacoin/creva | |
1383 | ATBCoin | ATB | https://atbcoin.com/ | https://explorer.atbcoin.com/ | | @atbcoincom |
1384 | ShadowCash | SDC | http://shadowproject.io/ | SDC 1 | https://github.com/shadowproject | @sdcoin |
1385 | BuzzCoin | BUZZ | http://www.buzzcoin.info/ | BUZZ 1 | https://github.com/buzzcoin-project/BUZZ | @buzzcoin |
1386 | Kolion | KLN | http://kolionovo.org/ | KLN 1 | | @michael_077 |
1387 | Maverick Chain | MVC | http://www.mvchain.net/ | MVC 1, MVC 2 | | @MaverickChain |
1388 | Nimfamoney | NIMFA | https://nimfamoney.io/ | NIMFA 1, NIMFA 2 | https://github.com/nimfamoney | @nimfamoney |
1389 | OP Coin | OPC | http://opcoin.info/ |, http://opcoin.prenges.rocks/ | https://github.com/rfo92/OPCoin | @OPCoin_official |
1390 | SpankChain | SPANK | https://spankchain.com/ | SPANK 1, SPANK 2 | https://github.com/spankchain | @spankchain |
1391 | Tokes | TKS | https://tokesplatform.org/ | TKS 1 | | @tokesplatform |
1392 | AltCommunity Coin | ALTCOM | http://altcoincommunity.co/ | | https://github.com/altcommunitycoin/altcommunitycoin-skunk | @AltComCoin |
1393 | ZrCoin | ZRC | https://zrcoin.io/ | | | @ZrCoin |
1394 | HelloGold | HGT | https://www.hellogold.org/, https://www.hellogold.com/ | HGT 1, HGT 2 | | @FoundationHG |
1395 | ZSEcoin | ZSE | https://zsecoin.com/ | http://explorer.zsecoin.com/ | | @PrestigeCoin |
1396 | NeosCoin | NEOS | http://www.neoscoin.com | NEOS 1 | | @NeosCoin |
1397 | MediBloc | MED | https://medibloc.org/en/ | MED 1 | https://github.com/Medibloc | @_medibloc |
1398 | Wings | WINGS | https://wings.ai/ | WINGS 1 | | @wingsplatform |
1399 | Onix | ONX | http://www.onixcoin.com/ | http://explorer.onixcoin.com/ | https://github.com/onix-project | @onix_coin |
1400 | United Traders Token | UTT | https://uttoken.io/ | UTT 1, UTT 2 | https://github.com/UnitedTraders/uttoken | @uttoken |
1401 | XTD Coin | XTD | | | | |
1402 | Dalecoin | DALC | http://dalecoin.org/ | DALC 1, DALC 2 | | @dalecoinn |
1403 | Avoncoin | ACN | http://avoncoin.org/ | http://explorer.avoncoin.org | | |
1404 | India Coin | INDIA | https://www.indiacoin.club/ | INDIA 1 | | @india_coin |
1405 | MSD | MSD | https://mymsdspace.com/ | MSD 1 | | @msdcommunity |
1406 | Bytecoin | BCN | https://bytecoin.org/ | BCN 1, BCN 2 | https://github.com/amjuarez/bytecoin | @Bytecoin_BCN |
1407 | CORION | COR | https://www.corion.io/ | COR 1 | | @CorionPlatform |
1408 | DATA | DTA | http://data.eco/ | DTA 1, DTA 2 | https://github.com/Blockchain-DATA | @Blockchain_Data |
1409 | SelfSell | SSC | https://www.selfsell.com/ | | https://github.com/SelfSellTeam | @self_sell |
1410 | ENTCash | ENT | http://entcash.com/ | | | @entcash2017 |
1411 | GoldUnionCoin | GUC | http://www.goldunioncoin.org/ | GUC 1 | | |
1412 | Veltor | VLT | | http://block.veltor.org:8080 | https://github.com/veltor | @j_veltor |
1413 | Iconic | ICON | http://iconicproject.com/ | ICON 1 | https://github.com/iconictoken/iconic | @ICONICTOKEN |
1414 | Polybius | PLBT | https://polybius.io/, https://medium.com/@PolybiusBank | PLBT 1 | | @PolybiusBank |
1415 | BiblePay | BBP | https://biblepay.org/ | https://biblepay-explorer.org/ | https://github.com/biblepay/biblepay | @BiblePay |
1416 | Hshare | HSR | https://h.cash/ | http://explorer.h.cash/ | https://github.com/HcashOrg/hcashd | @HcashOfficial |
1417 | Escroco | ESC | https://escroco.co/ | ESC 1 | | @escrocotoken |
1418 | iCoin | ICN | http://www.icoin.world/ | ICN 1 | | |
1419 | RoyalCoin | ROYAL | | http://royalcoin-explorer.ml/ | | @royalcoin2016 |
1420 | StarCredits | STRC | https://backto.earth/ | STRC 1, STRC 2 | | @_backtoearth |
1421 | DigiPulse | DGPT | https://www.digipulse.io/ | DGPT 1, DGPT 2 | https://github.com/digipulseio | @DigiPulseIO |
1422 | AICHAIN | AIT | http://www.aichainnews.com/ | | | @AICHAIN1 |
1423 | ToaCoin | TOA | http://www.toacoin.com/ | TOA 1 | https://github.com/toacoin/TOA | @toacoin |
1424 | GoldCoin | GLD | https://www.goldcoin.org/ | GLD 1 | https://github.com/goldcoin | @goldcoin |
1425 | LeaCoin | LEA | | https://explorer.leacoin.org/ | https://github.com/leacoin/LeaCoin | |
1426 | Braincoin | BRAIN | |, BRAIN 2 | | |
1427 | WINCOIN | WC | https://wincoin.co/ | WC 1 | https://github.com/Wincoinofficial/wincoin | @wincoinofficial |
1428 | Fortuna | FOTA | https://www.fota.top/ | FOTA 1, FOTA 2 | | @FortunaBlockch1 |
1429 | Tao | XTO | http://tao.network/ | http://www.taoexplorer.com/ | https://github.com/taoblockchain/tao-core | @taoblockchain |
1430 | Tether | USDT | https://tether.to | USDT 1 | | @tether_to |
1431 | IntenseCoin | ITNS | https://intensecoin.com/ | ITNS 1 | https://github.com/valiant1x/intensecoin | @intensecoin |
1432 | Firecoin | FIRE | | FIRE 1 | https://github.com/techcoincommunity/firecoin/releases | @FirecoinX15 |
1433 | Lazaruscoin | LAZ | http://lazaruscoin.com/ | | | |
1434 | Alphabit | ABC | http://www.alphabitcoinfund.com/ | ABC 1 | | |
1435 | Crypto | CTO | http://tailflick.wix.com/official-crypto | http://crypto.miningalts.com/ | https://github.com/crypto-official/crypto | @officialCrypto |
1436 | Sequence | SEQ | https://duality.solutions | http://seq.blocksandchain.com | https://github.com/duality-solutions/ | @dualitychain |
1437 | WhaleCoin | WHL | https://whalecoin.org/ | WHL 1 | | @whalecoinorg |
1438 | Decentralized Universal Basic Income | DUBI | https://www.prps.io/ | DUBI 1, DUBI 2 | https://github.com/nionis/purpose | @prps_io |
1439 | ShellCoin | SHELL | http://www.shellcoin.org | http://explorer.shellcoin.org/ | https://bitbucket.org/shellnode/shell | @shell_coin |
1440 | PIECoin | PIE | http://www.piecoin.info/, http://piecoin.tech/ | PIE 1 | | @PIEC0IN |
1441 | Virtacoin | VTA | https://www.virtacoin.world/ | VTA 1, VTA 2 | https://github.com/virtacoin/VirtaCoinProject | |
1442 | Dash | DASH | https://www.dash.org/ | DASH 1 | https://github.com/dashpay/dash | @Dashpay |
1443 | Concoin | CONX | http://www.concoin.com/ | | | @con_coin |
1444 | Bottos | BTO | https://www.bottos.org/ | BTO 1, BTO 2 | https://github.com/Bottos-project | |
1445 | Agrello | DLT | https://www.agrello.org/, https://www.agrello.io/ | DLT 1, DLT 2 | https://github.com/Agrello | @AgrelloOfficial |
1446 | Happycoin | HPC | http://happycointech.org/ | HPC 1, HPC 2 | https://github.com/happycoinmaster/Happycoin | @happycoin5 |
1447 | Block Array | ARY | https://www.blockarray.com | ARY 1, ARY 2 | https://github.com/blockarraygroup/ | @blockarraygroup |
1448 | The ChampCoin | TCC | http://thechampcoin.com/ | TCC 1 | | |
1449 | adToken | ADT | https://adtoken.com/ | ADT 1, ADT 2 | | @ad_chain |
1450 | Litecoin Plus | LCP | http://litecoinplus.co | LCP 1 | https://github.com/Crypto-Currency/litecoinplus | |
1451 | FuzzBalls | FUZZ | http://www.fyi-koerier.nl/fuzzballs.htm | FUZZ 1 | https://bitbucket.org/aminerminer/fuzzcoin/src | |
1452 | Mercury | MER | https://www.darcr.us/ | MER 1 | https://github.com/SigwoTechnologies | @mercurytoken |
1453 | MergeCoin | MGC | http://www.mergecoin.com/ | MGC 1 | | @MergeCoin |
1454 | Emercoin | EMC | http://emercoin.com/ | https://emercoin.mintr.org/, https://emcblock.info/ | https://github.com/emercoin/ | @emercoin_press |
1455 | BitQuark | BTQ | http://www.bitquark.info/ | BTQ 1 | https://github.com/quark-project/quark/ | |
1456 | DynamicCoin | DMC | http://dynamiccoin.org/ | DMC 1 | | @DynamicCoinOrg |
1457 | Bitcore | BTX | http://bitcore.cc/ | BTX 1, | https://github.com/LIMXTEC/BitCore | @Bitcore_BTX |
1458 | Aragon | ANT | https://aragon.one/ | ANT 1, ANT 2 | | @AragonProject |
1459 | Hedge | HDG | https://www.hedge-crypto.com/ | HDG 1, HDG 2 | | @hedgetoken |
1460 | Qtum | QTUM | https://qtum.org/ | https://qtum.info/, https://qtumexplorer.io/ | https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/ | @qtumOfficial |
1461 | ERC20 | ERC20 | http://erc20.space/ | ERC20 1, ERC20 2 | https://github.com/Ownagez/erc20-coin-project | @ERC20project |
1462 | Sojourn | SOJ | http://www.sojournbooking.net/ | SOJ 1 | https://github.com/sojournagain/Sojourn-1.3 | @john_sojourn |
1463 | iBank | IBANK | | | https://github.com/ibankgroup/Ibank | |
1464 | AWARE | AWR | http://www.aware.bi/, https://www.aware.bi/ | | https://github.com/AwareFoundation | @AWARE__Official |
1465 | Metaverse ETP | ETP | https://mvs.org/ | https://explorer.mvs.org/, http://explorer.mvs.live/, http://mymvs.info/ | http://github.com/mvs-org | @mvs_org |
1466 | UGAIN | GAIN | | GAIN 1 | https://github.com/ugain1/UGAIN-SRC | @teamugain |
1467 | Quark | QRK | http://www.qrknet.info/ | QRK 1 | https://github.com/quark-project/quark/releases/ | @QuarkPress |
1468 | Coinlancer | CL | https://www.coinlancer.io/ | CL 1, CL 2 | https://github.com/coinlancer | @coin_lancer |
1469 | FirstBlood | 1ST | https://firstblood.io/ | 1ST 1 | | @firstbloodio |
1470 | EDUCare | EKT | http://ekt8.io/ | EKT 1, EKT 2 | | @EKTcoin |
1471 | Animecoin | ANI | http://anime-coin.com/ | | https://github.com/testzcrypto/Animecoin/ | @AnimecoinANI |
1472 | COSS | COSS | https://coss.io/ | COSS 1, COSS 2 | | @cosscrypto |
1473 | Sharechain | SSS | http://www.sharechain.org/ | SSS 1, SSS 2 | | |
1474 | HitCoin | HTC | http://hitcoininfo.com/ | http://htcblockchain.com/ | | |
1475 | Zilliqa | ZIL | https://www.zilliqa.com/ | ZIL 1, ZIL 2 | https://github.com/Zilliqa/Zilliqa | @zilliqa |
1476 | Ink | INK | https://ink.one/ | INK 1 | https://github.com/inklabsfoundation | @inklabsfound |
1477 | CampusCoin | CMPCO | https://www.campuscoinproject.org/ | CMPCO 1 | https://github.com/campuscoindev/CampusCoin-Source | @CampusCoinORG |
1478 | Bastonet | BSN | http://www.bastonet.com/ | | | @BastonetProject |
1479 | Riecoin | RIC | http://riecoin.org/ | RIC 1 | https://github.com/riecoin/riecoin | @riecoin |
1480 | All Sports | SOC | https://www.allsportschain.com/ | | | @allsportschain |
1481 | Aventus | AVT | https://aventus.io/ | AVT 1, AVT 2 | | @AventusSystems |
1482 | Kyber Network | KNC | https://kyber.network/ | KNC 1, KNC 2 | https://github.com/kybernetwork | @kybernetwork |
1483 | BitSend | BSD | http://www.bitsend.info/, http://www.mybitsend.com/ | http://exp.mybitsend.com/, BSD 2 | https://github.com/LIMXTEC/BitSend | @bit_send |
1484 | SophiaTX | SPHTX | https://www.sophiatx.com/ | SPHTX 1, SPHTX 2 | | @SophiaTX |
1485 | Golem | GNT | https://golem.network/ | GNT 1, GNT 2 | https://github.com/golemfactory/golem | @golemproject |
1486 | Cubits | QBT | http://qbt.scificrypto.info/ | | https://github.com/scificrypto/CubitsV3 | |
1487 | PiplCoin | PIPL | https://piplcoin.com/ | PIPL 1, PIPL 2 | | @PiplCoin |
1488 | GOLD Reward Token | GRX | https://goldreward.io/ | GRX 1, GRX 2 | https://github.com/goldreward/grx-token/ | @GoldReward_GRX |
1489 | Counterparty | XCP | http://counterparty.io/ | https://xchain.io/, https://counterpartychain.io/ | https://github.com/CounterpartyXCP | @CounterpartyXCP |
1490 | Digital Rupees | DRS | https://www.digitalrs.me/ |, DRS 2 | | @DigitalRupees |
1491 | Bankcoin | B@ | http://bankcoin.global/ | | | @Bankcoin_global |
1492 | Triaconta | TRIA | https://triaconta.com/ | TRIA 1, TRIA 2 | https://github.com/nevixa/triatoken_combicoin | @triacontacc |
1493 | GoByte | GBX | https://gobyte.network/ | GBX 1, http://gobyte.ezmine.io/ | https://github.com/gobytecoin/gobyte/ | @gobytenetwork |
1494 | BOAT | BOAT | http://boatcoin.net/ | http://boat.cryptophi.net/ | https://github.com/OBAViJEST/boatcoinfinal | @doubloon_boat |