Data Science

Why Data Scientists Must Learn Statistics?

In order to understand the need for data scientists to be very good at the statistical concepts, one needs to…

6 years ago

When not to use F-Statistics for Multi-linear Regression

In this post, you will learn about the scenario in which you may NOT want to use F-Statistics for doing the hypothesis…

6 years ago

Machine Learning – Cloud-native Model Deployments

In this post, we are going to learn about the cloud-native machine learning model deployments.  Cloud-native Deployments First and foremost,…

6 years ago

What, When & Why of Regularization in Machine Learning?

In this post, we will try and understand some of the following in relation to regularizing the regression machine learning…

6 years ago

Unit Tests & Data Coverage for Machine Learning Models

This post represents thoughts on what would it look like planning unit tests for machine learning models. The idea is to…

6 years ago

Machine Learning Models used in Facebook

This post quickly represents machine learning projects and related machine learning models. The above diagram represents the usage of the…

6 years ago

13 Programming Languages used for Machine Learning

In this post, you will learn about different programming languages which can be used to create (train) machine learning models…

6 years ago

Top 5 Machine Learning Introduction Slides for Beginners

In this post, you will get to know a list of introduction slides (ppt) for machine learning. These slides could…

6 years ago

Andrew NG Machine Learning Coursera Videos

In this post, you will get to know the list of Andrew NG Machine Learning Coursera Videos. Here is the information: Youtube…

6 years ago

MIT OCW Machine Learning Courses Information

In this post, you get the information related to MIT OCW machine learning course from MIT OpencourseWare (OCW). They use  Matlab as…

6 years ago