
What is Web3.0? Features, Design, Skills, NFTs

Last updated: 27th Nov, 2023 What is Web3.0? Web3.0 is the next phase of the internet, which focuses on decentralization…

1 year ago

List of Blockchain Platforms & Examples

You may have heard of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or even Hyperledger, but what exactly are they? They are all examples of…

2 years ago

Digital Healthcare Technology & Innovations: Examples

Digital healthcare technology is making waves in the medical community. It has the potential to change the way we approach…

3 years ago

NFT Use Cases & Applications Examples

What are NFTs? NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a relatively new type of cryptocurrency that have a wide range of potential…

3 years ago

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) & Real-world examples

You may have heard the term "non-fungible tokens (NFT)" but what do they mean? Basically, they are a type of…

3 years ago

What is Blockchain & How does it work?

Blockchain is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. It was first introduced in 2009 as…

3 years ago

Is Blockchain a Database?

This video represents a comparison/difference between Blockchain and a traditional database form. Some of the following aspects of Blockchain is…

6 years ago

Blockchain – Opportunities & Risks for Financial Institutions

Here is a good white paper/research report published by European Banking Authority (EBA) detailing out the opportunities and risks associated…

6 years ago

Blockchain – How to Store Documents or Files

This post represents best practices in relation to storing documents or files in the Blockchain. The need to determine best practices arises from…

6 years ago

Bitcoin Blockchain – What is Proof of Work?

In this post, you will learn about what is proof of work in a Bitcoin Blockchain.  Simply speaking, the proof of work in computing…

6 years ago