Machine Learning Models – Bias Mitigation Strategies

In this post, you will learn about some of the bias mitigation strategies which could be applied in ML Model Development lifecycle (MDLC) to…

6 years ago

Facebook Machine Learning Tool to Check Terrorists Posts

In this post, you will learn about details on Facebook machine learning tool to contain online terrorists propaganda. The following topics are discussed…

6 years ago

ML Model Fairness Research from IBM, Google & Others

In this post, you would learn about details (brief information and related URLs) on some of the research work done on AI/machine learning…

6 years ago

Fairness Metrics – ML Model Sensitivity for Bias Detection

There are many different ways in which machine learning (ML) models' fairness could be determined. Some of them are statistical parity, the…

6 years ago

Job Description – Chief Artificial Intelligence (AI) Officer

Whether your organization needs a chief artificial intelligence (AI) officer is a topic where there have been differences of opinions. However, the…

6 years ago

Bias Detection in Machine Learning Models using FairML

Detecting bias in machine learning model has become of great importance in recent times. Bias in the machine learning model is about…

6 years ago

Security Attacks Analysis of Machine Learning Models

Have you wondered around what would it be like to have your machine learning (ML) models come under security attack? In other words,…

6 years ago

JupyterLab & Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet Commands

Are you starting to create machine learning models (using python programming) using JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook? This post list down some commands which…

6 years ago

Missing Data Imputation Techniques in Machine Learning

Have you come across the problem of handling missing data/values for respective features in machine learning (ML) models during prediction time? This is different from…

6 years ago

Code of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Key Traits

Do you know that organizations have started paying attention to whether AI/machine learning (ML) models are doing unbiased, safe and…

6 years ago