Top 8 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Tutorials

7 years ago

Here is a list of top 8 neural networks tutorials (web pages) for getting started on neural networks and deep…

Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers – Set 1

7 years ago

This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions on Kubernetes. The practice test can prove to be very helpful…

20+ Usecases in Quantum Computing

7 years ago

Here is a list of 20+ Quantum Computing Use Cases in some of the following fields: Machine Learning and Computer…

Top 6 Quantum Computing Companies to Follow in 2018

7 years ago

Here is the list of top 6 companies (and related pages) to watch out in quantum computing space in the…

Top 6 Container Orchestration Tool for Cloud-native Apps (2017-2018)

7 years ago

This page represents a list of top 6 container orchestration and management tool which can be used for your next…

List of Facebook Opensource Projects

7 years ago

This page lists down high level summary of facebook open-source projects in the field of web and mobile technologies along…

Blockchain Usecase – Airline Booking and Baggage Tracking

7 years ago

Blockchain is all out there to disrupt different industries requiring greater security (trust), traceability and transparency. Be it supply chain,…

Top 3 Frameworks for Building Augmented Reality Apps (2017-2018)

7 years ago

Are you planning to get started with developing apps for Augmented Reality? Are you a Mobile / Web Developer planning…

Blockchain Usecase – Air Cargo Industry (Supply-chain)

7 years ago

Blockchain is being aggressively pursued by business owners and technology / business evangelists in order to determine if it would…

Chief Robotics Officer (CRO) – Roles and Responsibilities

7 years ago

If your organization depends on supply chain management (SCM) or you are a manufacturing / logistics company, sooner than later,…