Logistic Regression Customer Churn Prediction: Example

5 months ago

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business world, spanning across industries like telecommunications, finance, e-commerce, and more, the ability to…

GLM vs Linear Regression: Difference, Examples

5 months ago

Linear Regression and Generalized Linear Models (GLM) are both statistical methods used for understanding the relationship between variables. Understanding the…

MinMaxScaler vs StandardScaler – Python Examples

5 months ago

Last updated: 7th Dec, 2023 Feature scaling is an essential part of exploratory data analysis (EDA), when working with machine…

Lasso Regression in Machine Learning: Python Example

5 months ago

Last updated: 6th Dec, 2023 Lasso regression, sometimes referred to as L1 regularization, is a technique in linear regression that…

Using GridSearchCV with Logistic Regression Models: Examples

5 months ago

GridSearchCV method is a one of the popular technique for optimizing logistic regression models, automating the search for the best…

Handling Class Imbalance in Machine Learning: Python Example

5 months ago

Last updated: 6th Dec, 2023 As a data scientist, we are tasked with building machine learning (ML) models that can…

Handling Class Imbalance using Sklearn Resample

5 months ago

Last updated: 5th Dec, 2023 The class imbalance problem in machine learning occurs when the classes in a dataset are…

Ordinary Least Squares Method: Concepts & Examples

5 months ago

Last updated: 5th Dec, 2023 Regression analysis is a fundamental statistical technique used in many fields, from finance, econometrics to…

Linear Regression vs Correlation: Examples

5 months ago

Linear regression and correlation are fundamental concepts in statistics, often used in data analysis to understand the relationship between two…

Bias-Variance Trade-off in Machine Learning: Examples

5 months ago

Last updated: 5th Dec, 2023 The bias-variance trade-off is a fundamental concept in machine learning that presents a challenging dilemma…