5 Reasons to get Docker Certified Associate Certification

7 years ago

Docker certification is about passing Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam and getting recognition for your Docker skills. The following are…

Docker Certification Practice Questions – Dockerfile

7 years ago

Docker allows applications to run securely while being isolated in a container, packaged with all its dependencies and libraries. It…

Kubernetes Certification Practice Test (Storage Volumes)

7 years ago

Kubernetes storage volumes is a very important concept in relation to how data is managed within a Pod (consisting of…

Data Science – What are Machine Learning (ML) Models?

7 years ago

Machine learning (ML) models is the most commonly used in a data science project. In this post, you will learn…

Docker – How to Install WordPress & MySQL using Docker

7 years ago

Wordpress or PHP developers may find it difficult to do a fresh installation of Wordpress and MySQL in a quick…

10+ Key Stages of Data Science Project Life cycle

7 years ago

Data science projects need to go through different project lifecycle stages in order to become successful. In each of the…

N-Gram Language Models Explained with Examples

7 years ago

Language models are models which assign probabilities to a sentence or a sequence of words or, probability of an upcoming…

Blockchain – Bitcoin Explorer Relaunched

7 years ago

Here is the newly launched portal, https://explorer.bitcoin.com/bch for getting details on Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Front page displays…

What Blockchain can do and What it can’t do?

7 years ago

Blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically…

Quick Introduction to Smoothing Techniques for Language Models

7 years ago

Smoothing techniques in NLPĀ are used to address scenarios related to determining probability / likelihood estimate of a sequence of words…