Quality Assurance / Testing the Machine Learning Model

7 years ago

This is the first post in the series of posts related to Quality Assurance & Testing Practices and Data Science /…

Is Blockchain a Database?

7 years ago

This video represents a comparison/difference between Blockchain and a traditional database form. Some of the following aspects of Blockchain is…

Blockchain – Opportunities & Risks for Financial Institutions

7 years ago

Here is a good white paper/research report published by European Banking Authority (EBA) detailing out the opportunities and risks associated…

MongoDB Commands Cheat Sheet for Beginners

7 years ago

In this post, you will learn about MongoDB commands which could get you started and perform minimum database related activities such as…

Blockchain – How to Store Documents or Files

7 years ago

This post represents best practices in relation to storing documents or files in the Blockchain. The need to determine best practices arises from…

Bitcoin Blockchain – What is Proof of Work?

7 years ago

In this post, you will learn about what is proof of work in a Bitcoin Blockchain.  Simply speaking, the proof of work in computing…

Is Blockchain a Linked List like Data Structure?

7 years ago

In this post, you will learn about similarity and differences between linked list and Blockchain. The most trivial way to…

Learning Blockchain – Free Online Courses & Training – 1

7 years ago

This is the first blog representing a series of posts on enabling you to learn Blockchain online. Such posts would…

How is Digital Signature used with a Document?

7 years ago

A digital signature scheme is primarily a mechanism of making sure the digital documents (such as email, contract documents etc)…

Kerala to lead Blockchain Training in India

7 years ago

Kerala becomes the first Indian state to set up a goal of providing Blockchain training creating to IT community stakeholders…